Time to say goodbye

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A few more gloomy months had passed, where the spring birds often flew at my window, pecking at the mango tree's wood. However in winter, they went off to hibernate - so I was left all alone once more.

Now it was summer, when the evening's dash of chill created an enlightening abyss of flowers in the ever green compound below. I would usually take strolls in the greenery, inhaling the country's freshest air.

One summer's morning, Rani Dharma was sowing a pair of small clothes.

I was sitting on the grass, my legs spread to one side. I picked up an unusually colorful flower which was growing out of the soil.

It's fragrance was heavenly! I decided to put it in my hair.

As I settled it gently in the bun, a time when Ashok put it in for me flash backed into my mind.

My smile lessened, however I blinked away and got engaged in other chores to do.

Rani Dharma wouldn't even let me do any chores now that I had been 7 months pregnant.

"Kaurvaki?" A familiar voice sounded.

"Rani Dharma? I was just thinking about you." I smiled and walked over to her.

She, however, did not smile back. She had a rather pale coloured skin today and her cheeks seemed to be flushed out.

"What's the matter? You look depressed?" I frowned.

"Well, I am." She spoke, her voice cracking.

"Why?" I was getting worried now.

"Err - S... Samrat is -"

I gasped. "What happened to Samrat?" I spoke hoarsely.

"He's - he's unwell." She finished off quickly.

Whenever there was news about Samrat's health issues, my heart always skipped a beat.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." I reassured her unsurely.

"No dear, this time the news is that he has come of age..."

I glanced at her with clear sorrow.

"You don't mean....."

She nodded reluctantly.

I turned away. "No, that cannot possibly happen just yet." I wrinkled my forehead with anger.

"There's a correct time for everything, Kaurvaki." She came and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"A warrior's grave is dug before it's needed, but that doesn't mean it should be used before it's needed." I tilted my head.

"Rani Dharma...." I sighed. "How will things be if Prince Sushim takes the throne? They're just about being managed by Samrat, but he will corrupt the entire Magadh!" I turned round worriedly.

Rani Dharma knew I had a point.

"But what if Ashok takes the throne?" She looked at me hopefully.

I sighed. "How can he take the throne? The elder brother has the first right."


"Ahem, excuse me..." Maharani was at the door.

We stiffened up as she walked in, glancing at us because we couldn't meet her eyes, expecting her to give us an earful about how 'righteous' Sushim was.

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