The chapter of truth

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A figure walked slowly up the passage way in the royal court and greeted Samrat by bowing down.

Samrat accepted his arrival with a slight nod.

"Priest, you must now tell me and the Court all your findings and the basis of Ahankara's horoscope. Tell us, how did you find my Son as a suitable groom for her?"

"Samrat! How can you say that about your own...." Maharani began when Samrat thrust a palm in the air as to refrain her from talking.

Maharani stiffened up in insult and sighed angrily.

The priest kept taking nervous glances of Maharani and then eyed me.

I straightened up at this and fished out something wasn't right between them.

"I want just the truth, Priest. There will be severe punishment for untruthful responses." Samrat stated.

After this, the priest instantly started speaking after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes Samrat, with your approval I will...."

"Priest, say everything you know." Samrat stopped him.

"As you wish Samrat...." we all waited patiently until he started speaking.

"One evening, in late January, I was writing a scripture, when someone wanted to enter into my Ashram."

He paused for a thought.

"It was my prayer time, but I heard abusive language outside my Ashram so I decided to step out when I saw my friend trying to block a guard from entering my hut. I was surprised that a guard with Magadh's royal symbol had come to visit me. He was carrying a red box of some kind, so I let him in, assuming he was from the palace."

Somehow I found that familiar - hang on! That time when I climbed up the rope I saw a guard receiving a red box from Maharani! Of course! It must be that same box! But - why did she do that?

I glanced towards Maharani who was now frowning and standing extraordinarily still.

"Continue, High Priest."

"Yes.... so - I asked the guard about the reason for his sudden and unexpected arrival, but he didn't respond, except thrust the red box into my hands and left without a word. I was surprised, yet thought he may have carried a message for a royal wedding or some celebration. I shook the box and heard an unusual sound so I opened it and.... and -"

"And? And what priest?" Ashok began to get impatient.

"Ashok!" I nudged him.

"Err, sorry Rajkumar... so I when I opened the box.... I saw a hundred gold coins! With the royal design on them! I was shocked."

Everyone's faces went bland.

"Gold coins! From the palace? But - it is impossible for anyone to find!" Samrat shot a look of confusion.

"And moreover, there was a piece of paper underneath the layer of coins which said: 'make a fake horoscope and you'll get this reward. If you don't follow this, you shall be murdered."

"What!" My eyes widened till I felt them punching my eyelids. Me and Ahankara exchanged worried glances.

"I had no other option but to follow this, and I went ahead and made the fake horoscope, having no clue about the person who wrote this note. The day Maharani and the princesses came, I had Rajkumari Ahankara's fake horoscope ready to match Rajkumar Sushim's."
He looked hesitant.

"But who was the person who wrote that note?"

"I found out who it was!" The priest chirped.

"Alright then -"

"It was....."

Suddenly, as the priest trailed off, Maharani misplaced her foot and her eyelids closed gently. She shook a bit and fainted, falling into Rani Dharma's arms.

Samrat stood up in shock and everyone got up in surprise.

"Alright, assembly over - it is not appropriate to discuss this for now." Samrat ordered for the medicine specialists and they carried Maharani away.

I gulped. I know it was Maharani. I just know it was.

That's why she fainted so the priest couldn't say her name.


"Ashok, I know who it is!" I caught up with Ashok as we went back to our bedroom.

"Who?" He stopped and looked at me in surprise.


Ashok didn't look surprised. He sighed, resting both his hands on my shoulders which just couldn't keep still.  "Kaurvaki, I know what you're thinking. There's no-one else in this palace apart from her group who could do this - but we have no proof so this remains as an assuming accusation."

He turned to go. I clutched his wrist tightly with tears in my eyes.

"Look, I...."

"Ashok? Kaurvaki? What are you two doing here? Come down and help with the celebrations!"

"Celebrations for what?"

"Samrat has re-scheduled Sushim and Ahankara's wedding." Rani Dharma said worriedly.

"WHAT?! Is Samrat out of his mind?"

"Ashok. He is your father, please be respectful." Rani Dharma said sternly.

I felt fury bottling up inside my diaphragm. Me and Ashok had to confront them about Maharani. Now.

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