The ring is broken

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"Ash...." Rani Dharma's shaky voice sounded from beside me.

"No, Mother! Not now." Ashok snarled without a smile and glared at Sushim like he could murder him.

Samrat was raging with anger and I could see the nerve on his temple pulsing steadily.

Maharani Charumitra seemed shocked at Sushim's state; his eyes were red and his cheeks were stained. His back had whip marks and he had a smirk on his face.

She ran up to him and looked around his bare front.

"Sushim!" She started her cliched sob once more and I couldn't help but worry.

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Ashok roared which made me jump and he drew out his sword in such a fierce manner, that Samrat was forced to draw his out too. Ashok roared again and lifted his sword in the air to strike Sushim who was laughing evilly.

"ENOUGH! IS THIS THE CULTURE OF MAGADH? TO HOLD KNIVES AT EACH OTHERS THROATS? You're brothers! You should be ashamed!" Samrat's eyes were bulging and his veins were visible through the glistening translucence of his eyelids, with sweat.

Ashok did not take his glare off Sushim and Sushim was busy wobbling around on his feet, in his drunk condition.

"You saw for yourself Samrat! Look how cruel this boy is to my son! If we hadn't got here on time then....." maharani began.

"Maharani is right, Samrat! This boy is a threat to the family!" Mahamatya chirped in defense of the queen.

"Daasi, take Maharani to her room." Samrat calmed down and ordered her.

The servant nodded and led the shocked and insulted Maharani out of the room. I saw Maharani shaking out from the grip of Rani Dharma's firm hands and she sighed.

I helped Ahankara up onto her feet and tucked the loose strands of her untidy hair behind her ear.

I cringed at the wounds made on her feet, her hands and even her chest. Her clothes were blood stained, even torn. I picked up her falling dupatta and wrapped her bare chest with it sympathetically.

"Ahankara, tell me what happened. Be honest and don't be afraid."

Ahankara remained silent.

"Ahankara..... I'm asking you something." Samrat felt his temper rising again.

I spoke up in defense of Ahankara who now had a tear slipping slowly down her cheek.

Everyone waited for her response. Ashok looked up at her, Sushim eyed her, Rani Dharma looked at her worriedly.

"S-S-Samrat, I don't think it's appropriate to ask her right now. Give her time and she'll explain."

Samrat turned round, his robes flying and left the room in silence.

Rani Dharma helped the wobbly Sushim across to the medicine room where his wounds made by Ashok would be treated.

Everyone slowly left the room except for Ahankara, Ashok and I.

Everything was silent until a quiet sob broke it.

Ahankara dropped herself onto the bed and closed her eyes, clutching the bed sheet tightly in her hands. I stood where I was and Ashok bent down on his knees.

"Rajkumari Ahankara," he spoke gently.

He picked himself up and sat himself beside her. She didn't look up.

His fingers reached her cheeks and they wiped her tears off carefully.

I smiled.

She looked up at him surprisingly and couldn't resist herself embracing him tightly.

Ashok didn't know quite what to do.

I nodded to him and he placed his hands gently on her head.

He pulled back and smiled at Ahankara who was smiling too.

"You're very strong, Ahankara. It's alright. I'm your friend." He got up and left the room, tucking his sword back into its case which dangled down from his stomach.

"See Ahankara? There's nothing to be frightened off. We're your friends and you can tell us anything you want."

Ahankara hugged me. "I don't have any more trustworthy and helpful friends than you and Ashok, Kaurvaki."

A knock of the door interrupted us.

"You and Rajkumari Ahankara have been summoned to the court with everyone else, Rajkumari Kaurvaki." A servant was waiting outside the entrance curtains with a scroll.

I nodded and she left.

Me and Ahankara exchanged worried glances and wondered what would happen at the royal court.


As we entered the court, we saw Samrat sitting sternly on the throne and Maharani was standing with a hurt expression beside him.

I looked at Rani Dharma with a face that asked: "what?"

She replied back by blinking her eyes towards Sushim.

I gulped and took my seat.

Ashok was vertically across and he looked at me then downwards.

Something was wrong.

"Just yesterday, wedding ceremonies and celebrations were taking place. Garlands and flowers, singing and dancing, shouting and cheering; will all those happen now?" Samrat asked rhetorically.

Maharani shot a nervous expression at him.

"A princess came to our palace for a celebration and the relation she was just about to create, betrayed her." This time, Samrat glared at Sushim who was now back to normal and eyed Ahankara in an oblivious way.

"Therefore I proclaim this wedding has been cancelled."

Sushim looked as if he didn't care.

Maharani's eyes widened so much that they would fall out in a few seconds.

Ashok blinked and I found my feet shuffling in awkwardness.

Samrat had made a good decision, but now it was up to Maharani to cut her melodrama and let things happen as they are.

"But Samrat?! How could you do this? We asked the High Priest and even made Ahankara's horoscope with such turmoil, err - I mean, we checked it...."

We all looked at her in shock.

How could she have made Ahankara's horoscope? A princess's horoscope is already made on the day she is born.

Samrat wrinkled his forehead suspiciously.

"Call the High Priest!" He ordered.

Maharani frowned while I tried to go back to the day when we went to the priest. He looked worried, almost as if he was lying that day, and I noticed his hesitancy. Something really was fishy. Everything would be clear soon.

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