Well - do I love her?

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I found my eyes following the glittery pink lehenga that Rukhsana was wearing, and they couldn't help but seamlessly follow her around.

Just then - I saw her whisper something in her friend's ear and leave the venue, quickly scurrying up the stairs while looking to either side.

"Dhruv..... I'll be right back." I said, leaning into a whisper but not taking my narrowed eyes off her.

"What? Where are you -"

I got up quickly and followed her. After I ran up the stairs and found myself in the middle of a corridor, I realized I had lost her.

For the moment.

From the far north corner, I heard a weird snuffling noise - as if someone was laughing or crying.

I sneaked up on the curtains, and quickly pulled them apart to see an astonishing sight.

"I knew it! I knew you were a-" I stopped abruptly as Rukhsana looked at me with big eyes that brimmed with tears. Surprisingly, she was standing on a stool and was a few feet higher than me.

I cringed my face and just as I was about to ask what was wrong, my eyes fell to her sides and saw her whole wrist bleeding.

"What do you think you're doing here?!" I cried, not taking my eyes off her wrist.

"Shhh!" She begged.

"Were you..... were you slitting yourself?" My eyes widened.

"N-no." She quickly hid the knife behind her back.

I clutched her shoulders tightly and almost shook her.

"Don't. Lie. To me."

She looked at me with big eyes.

"Look, I know we don't like each other but - come on, I'm not that bad, well - not a reason to commit suicide anyway."

She didn't respond but arched her eyebrows.

"Look Prince Krishna, I would appreciate it if you could-"

"Please don't kill yourself otherwise mother will kill me!" I begged, looking up at her.

To my surprise, her tense face relaxed into a sly grin and she smirked to herself.

"Think my advice is funny, do you? Well, I'm telling you little girl-"

She started bursting out into laughter and a few of her friends came from behind the pillars.

"We've tricked you, Prince Krishna." One of her friends said. "Again!"

"He's too innocent!" Another said.

"I like innocents." Rukhsana stated.

As she commenced pulling out a small red bottle, she lost her balance and fell with an open mouth. My arms wrapped around her waist tightly as her hair flicked onto my face when she fell into them.

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