A thief

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The sky was painted black and the water in the large fountain bowl reflected an assemblage of stars.

"Kaurvaki?" A voice came from behind me as I sat with my legs crossed in one direction.

I stood up. "Oh, it's you Ahankara."

"Er, yeah - I just wanted to discuss something."


"Well, you know this whole Sush...."

"Kaurvaki? Please come here for a minute, I need help with delivering these sweets for the royal dinner tonight." Maharani Charumitra was reluctantly carrying a large platter full of aromatic sweets.

She dropped them into my hands and I almost lost my balance because of the weight. I managed to balance just in time, while Maharani just walked past, leaving us.

I left Ahankara in the courtyard, sitting under the stars and staring at the elaborate carvings on the domed ceiling.

I felt guilty, but work was work and it couldn't be avoided, especially if it was given by Maharani.

I returned to the courtyard for Ahankara.

"Ahank....." I wiped my hands and came to a stand still. Where was she?

I looked around, wandering through the gaps between each pillar, along the corridors and the guest room.

She was here a minute ago.


She wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Oh, Rani Maa? Have you seen Ahankara anywhere?"

"No dear, why?"

"She was here just a while ago and now..."

Rani Dharma looked around worriedly and put a hand on my shoulder as she saw my anxious gaze rest upon the ground.

"She'll be in the palace itself, where could she go in the evening?"

"Yes, that's true, where would she go at this time of day? Anyway, I'm sure she's somewhere here. Sorry for bothering you Rani Maa."

Servants were busy around the corridors but I walked along quickly, re-searching the whole palace.

Suddenly - a high pitched scream struck my ears.

My head tossed in that direction like a meteorite.

I ran towards it, grabbing a sword on the way. I hid behind a pillar from where I thought the scream came from.

I closed my eyes and prayed for safety.

I felt sweat loosening my grip on the sword but I sighed and walked as quiet as a mouse across the marble corridor on the outside on the palace.

The palace had a square shape, with courtyards at either side and pillars attaching the ground to the ceiling of the corridor.

I heard pattering of feet and I was sure there was someone other than me over here.

Then - I heard the voice.

"Please, please let me go - I'll do whatever you want but have mercy on me! I beg to you. Please!"

The spectrum of pitches during this speech was incredible, the sobs ranging from anger to pity but who was this person? And who was with them?

The same voice sounded again.

"Who do you want me to kill? Tell me!" A female's voice.

No reply. I was sure this was Ahankara. Maybe she was being tortured by Sushim? Oh no!

The sobbing started again and this time I decided to return to the palace instantly and warn someone of the planned murder that would take place tonight!

My panting was heavy and the ten kilogram sword was shaking in my hand. I tossed it on the floor as I still ran, holding up my lehenga and watching out for any strangers in the palace.

As soon as I entered safely inside the palace where the familiar noises of servants working sounded again, I felt at peace.

"Good evening Rajkumari."

I replied with a slight nod and continued to hurry.

I entered the gathering of the family with my hair flying all over face and sweat glistening on my face. Dhrupad was sat on Samrat's lap and all the women had fresh flowers placed in their hair. Their clothes had not one single crease showing on them.

To my immense horror, Sushim stood behind Samrat, smiling at Dhrupad, with Ahankara talking to Rani Dharma with not even one strand of hair displaced!? What???

Everyone looked at me in shock and Samrat's smile turned into a frown at my avatar.

"Rajkumari Kaurvaki?"

Ahankara briskly walked up to me and held my arm gently.

Ashok entered from the stairs on the opposite side of me and the whole family was now in front of me, looking at my bruised and muddy hands. He looked confused and shocked.

"Kaurvaki?" He ran up to me in his robes and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me up and down.

"Samrat, murder will take place in the palace tonight!"

"What????" The whole family gasped and silence filled the place. Sushim stood where he was next to his mother, not even changing his expression slightly, looking unsurprised.

Ashok watched me with wide eyes. He drew his sword out of its cover, dangling across his waist.

"Putra stop!" Rani Dharma suddenly grabbed his arm and tried to cool down his anger.

"How dare someone attack my family like that!"

The cooks all stopped in fear at the entrance of the hall and Samrat ordered them to leave.

"Son, our armaments are ready even if they do. Our security is so strong they will not allow any outsider to trespass. Kaurvaki, calm down."

"But father....."

"No ifs and buts, enjoy your family time, with so many of us here, I'm sure we shall be able to protect each other."

I still panicked and clutched Ahankara's hand.

"Please tell me nothing will happen!"

The family sat down for dinner however Ashok did not look convinced. Neither did I.

Someone or something was fishy. I can sense it.

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