The engagement

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"Truth is bitter, so is the consequence that follows after it"

I broke out from my trance and got up from the seat near the window.

Ahankara was sat in my room, her head resting on her knees in anticipation and worry.

Rajkumari, a message has some from the queen that the engagement ceremony shall be tomorrow. She has asked that Ahankara is well prepared.

I nodded and the messenger left.

My worried face turned to look at a disturbed princess who yearned to be free from a forced marriage.

"See that river, Kaurvaki?" Ahankara spoke after a few minutes of silence.


"It's so free, it can go wherever it wants."

I sighed. "Ahankara, we'll think of something." I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Kaurvaki? Ahankara?" Ashok marched into the room with his shoulders upright. I've just practiced my sword fighting.

I smiled reluctantly.

Ahankara got up to leave while me and Ashok just watched her.

"Ahankara?" Ashok asked her, but she continued to make her way out of our room slowly.

"What's up with her?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

I sighed. "She's getting married to Sushim."

"WHAT?!" He asked me in shock, his hand falling off my shoulder in confusion.

"We went to the priest this morning and...."

"It's that Maharani Charumitra isn't it?" He asked me through his gritted teeth.

"Ashok, just calm down for a minute. We need to think of helping Ahankara instead of rebelling against the queen of Magadh."

"She can't force her into marriage!"

"What's done is done; now we need to think of tactics."

He let out a desperate sigh and went over to the window.

I watched him in worry.

There was a knock on the door.

"Princess Kaurvaki and prince Ashok, you've been invited to the royal court to meet the newborn prince of Kaling."

A smile lit up on my face. I saw Ashok grinning at me.

"That's my baby cousin!" I cried out in happiness.

We went over to the royal court, but hardly any people were present there.

Samrat, Rani Dharma, Dhrupad, Rani Subhrasi and Sushim. We joined them.

"Where's Raajmata, Maharani and Siyamak?" I asked disappointedly. "Don't they want to meet my royal cousin?"

"Don't worry Kaurvaki, they'll come if they want."

My distant baby cousin was treated well by everybody and he went happily to everyone.

By the time he reached Sushim, he gave him a good rock which set him crying so suddenly.

I looked towards him in confusion. A smirk drew up on Sushim's face.

Anger bottled up in me but I decided to just control.

I went over and picked him up from Sushim who still had a light smile plastered across his face. I saw Ashok glaring at Sushim.

His gaze shifted from Sushim to the baby and he cradled him in his arms. I laughed at its playful face.

"Ahankara's not to be seen anywhere? Where is she?"

I saw Samrat look towards Maharani strutting into the court with Ahankara by her side; she didn't look very happy but I could sense she was trying to fake a smile.

I walked over and pulled her to meet my cousin while I saw Maharani tell Sushim something secretly.

"Alright, I have an announcement to make." Maharani turned proudly to face the subjects.

"After Ashok's wedding, we also have another wedding coming up."

There was gossip amongst the crowd.

"My son Sushim, and Rajkumari Ahankara."

There was cheering which made my heart thump.

Ahankara did not look at all surprised and me and Ashok glanced at each other.

"Maharani Charumitra, Ahankara would like to say something, don't you Ahankara...." Ashok smiled through gritted teeth.

"Tell us after the engagement, now we have no time."

Ashok looked across the royal court to a pale looking, frail young girl who could be shaking right now in fear of marriage.

"Servants! Prepare for the engagement! It shall happen today itself and yes, do make sure the ring is placed carefully in the platter!" Maharani ordered.

"I'll go get the ring from your cupboard, Maharani." I turned to go just when she stopped me abruptly.

"Err, no no Kaurvaki. Stay here. It's not in my cupboard."

"What!? Then where is it?"

"You don't worry, I'll find it."

"But where is it?" I asked her impatiently.

"Go get the flowers." She said blandly, staring at me like I was being nosy.

I walked past Ahankara, giving her a 'I'm sorry' kind of look and left the court.

Hii everybody :) hope you're liking the chapters! I have a small notice: a surprise is popping up soon for ya ;) that's sayin something ain't it? Well duh, it's saying keep reading and enjoy the surprise!😂 - but the next few chapters are.... interesting (if that's the best way to put it)! Love ya fam see you in the next chappiee

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