Fire is the witness

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Eyeliner creased my eyelids which were powdered light pink with tints of gold, and it was glittering like jewels in the candle light which was flooding over my head as they hung from the ceiling.

I walked down the corridor glumly, and into the avenue where the marriage was taking place.

In my hands, the two garlands pricked my skin.

The hollow atmosphere in the hall was deafening; it was pin-drop silence, all except for the priest reciting the holy words.

I joined the crowd of family members quietly and took in the unbelievable sight of Ahankara and Ashok sat next to each other.

I fixed my solemn gaze on the ground when a sudden movement in the center of the gathered members disrupted me.

It was time for the vows.

Rani Dharma tied the knot of their robes and they began taking the turns, clutching each other's fingers tightly.

I just watched them expressionlessly, not really knowing how to react.

Suddenly, as the family was busy throwing petals at them, my hand hovered in the air for a short while and then I realized that their tied knot was getting loose, and about to break.

I gasped and quickly made my way to the front of the altar, and as the couple came towards me, I stopped them.

Everyone looked at me surprised.

I gazed at Ashok longingly and he stared back worryingly; frozen in the same position while I tied their knot stronger. Ahankara sighed in relief and put a hand on my shoulder with a smile.

I didn't take my eyes of Ashok even for a second; and neither did he.

Rani Dharma sighed.

"Well done, princess. You saved their marriage just in time, otherwise it couldn't have ever been completed." The priest appreciated my help.

Samrat seemed impressed and insisted that the wedding continued.

Flashbacks of mine and Ashok's wedding popped into my mind in fragments and I smiled over them secretly.

After the vows were complete, they came to a stand-still and I picked up the garlands, handing them over to each of them as they thrust it around each other's neck.

Ashok shot a quick look at me as if to say "thank you."

As soon as they stepped off the altar, I made my way through the family and out of the hall.

Everyone stared at me walking down until I turned round the corner of the door.

Ashok sighed heavily and Ahankara looked at me worriedly.

Maharani smirked secretly and Sushim raised his eyebrows.

"Well that's a fail of a marriage isn't it?" He muttered under his breath.

I ran to my chamber, locking the door and sobbing loudly. My eyes cringed and they turned red with fury and guilt.

I sunk down to the floor, at the foot of the doorstep.

Suddenly, a knock on the door made me jump.

"I do not wish to see anyone. Ratan, tell them that entry to my chamber has been banned."

My personal assistant told whoever was at the door, and then they left quietly. After they left, I was surprised that I couldn't figure out who it was.

"Who was it, Ratan?" I asked with a lump in my throat, quickly wiping the tears that had stained my icy cheeks.

"It was Prince Ashok and Princess Ahankara, Princess."

I frowned upon hearing their names.

Suddenly, I heard an argument between two servants outside.

"What's the matter?" I raised my voice at them.

They lowered their heads and didn't reply.

"I said, what's the matter?" I got impatient.

"W-w-well, Princess, he said that - that we insist you to -" he stopped.

"Insist me to what?" I eyed them suspiciously.

"Well, M-maharani suggested that you - you come to the pre-marriage holy scripture reading."

I softened my gaze. "Is that it? Why were you so hesitant?"

"Because -"

"Maldev, Ratan, go and do your work." Maharani suddenly appeared around the pillar and the two servants scurried off in fright.

"Kaurvaki dear...." she began coldly.

I shot a glance at her.

"You see, I was unsure whether you shall be present at the reading tonight. I insist that you come and observe the couple, after all - it's in once in a million chance isn't it?" She smiled cruelly.

Her words were like knives, piercing through my innocent heart.

"It's not like you get to hear a reading with your husband and his wife all the time do you?" She had a clear smile of cruelty plastered across her dim face.

The candle above me flickered at her breath.

"Maharani!" A sturdy sharp voice came from behind.

Samrat appeared with a scepter sitting comfortably in his hand.

"What are you saying? This is not the appropriate time." He looked at her in confusion.

Maharani's smile turned into a scowl and she turned on her heels, marching away prominently. Her husband's words had offended her.

"Kaurvaki, this must be big shock for you and...."

"Don't worry Samrat, a woman is said to be good at multi-tasking; I'm doing just that." I gave a warm smile.

Samrat displayed his pair of pearly whites.

"Tonight, Rani Dharma has invited the most well known, greatest priest who is the highest in the hierarchy of priests. He will explain the meanings of these rituals and what marriage is, especially rules and post-marriage. It is a divine opportunity for all married individuals."

I nodded gently and he left me.

I didn't know what was going to happen at the reading tonight, but I also didn't know that what was going to happen, would be surprising....

Ashwaki: waiting for AshokOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora