Am I wrong?

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As Ashwatara's shimmering palanquin disappeared round the corner, I turned back to see mother talking to Rani Dharma.

I looked around impatiently but father was nowhere to be seen.

"Err Krishna!" I called out.

"Yeah?!" He asked, panting from hurrying somewhere.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes." He said quickly.

"Um - have you seen father anywhere?"

"Yes! He's just over there. Have you seen mother?" He asked me quickly.

"Yeah - she's there." I said quickly.

"Thanks." I patted his shoulder and we both started in opposite directions.

"Father!" I stopped in front of him as he was deeply engaged in a conversation.

"Wait a minute." He turned back to talk.

"Err father - I think .... m-mother's l-looking for you, I think." I said hoping he would talk to her.

His eyes widened. "Oh of course! I need to talk to her." He patted my shoulder and I sighed in relief.


"Um... mother - I think father was asking for you. I don't know why but he was saying he wanted to talk to you." I said quickly.

"Ohh... alright." She nodded and went off inside.

I smiled secretly.


I hung around the inside hall, trying to find Ashok. Just then, his walking figure on the opposite side caught my eye.

"Ashok!" I called out to him.

"Ahh! There you are." He grinned.

"Yeah... um - I was looking for you." I looked down at my fingers twiddling with the frayed fabric of my dupatta.

"So was I actually, well -"

"I wanted to..." we chimed together.

We paused and broke into a giggle.

"I needed to...." we said at the exact same time again!

"Okay you first." Ashok smiled.

"No - you first." I said stubbornly.

"Err - I don't know how to start this but, I think our kids are now growing up and..."

My eyes lit up.

"Go on...." I urged him.

"So - I was thinking maybe.... maybe we should have a bride in mind." He looked at me as if he was talking to a teacher.

I tried hard not to burst out smiling in excitement.

"And, who have you thought of for our son?"

"Rukhsana..." he said quietly.

I couldn't resist showing my pair of pearly whites this time.

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