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"Life must have... changed for you, Kaurvaki."

A hoarse and sarcastic voice boomed.

"Excuse me?" I was startled at this unauthorized entry.

"Oh sorry! I must say Rajkumari Kaurvaki shouldn't I?"

"No no, I didn't mean that, Rajkumar Sushim, I was just...."

Sushim walked effortlessly towards me with his navy blue robes, whereas I stood my ground firmly.

I was always uncomfortable with his presence but he had a smirk plastered across his face.

I eyed him suspiciously as he came closer and closer but stopped at relative distance from me.

"Which village are you from?"

I picked up this insult yet I responded calmly.

"I am Maharaj Jagathnath's daughter, Princess and chief of Kaling's army."

I elevated my head and looked proud.

"Ohhh, that king - I heard he has many wives?"

"No." I felt my nerve twitching in my temple.

"No? Alright then. Nice meeting you, Just making sure you're feeling comfortable in your husband's home."

"I make myself comfortable, thank you very much."

He shifted uncomfortably and glared at me with a strange smile.

I gulped and sighed when he looked around my room.

His brows suddenly seemed to bend in confusion.

I anticipated for another response from him but he tossed his robes behind which made my heart skip a beat and he left the room abruptly.

I closed my eyes in relief and dropped onto the traditional couch.

"What's the matter Kaurvaki?" Ashok's comforting hand was felt on my shoulder.


"What did he do to you?" His voice suddenly turned sharp and firm.

I didn't want to heat things up in the brothers' relations so I kept quiet.

"Oh, nothing - he just asked me if I was okay." I shifted my gaze from his deep hazel eyes.

"Why do I feel this isn't the truth?"

"How should I know why." I responded, while getting up from the couch and wandering over the dresser where I took off my bangles and earrings. From my peripheral view I saw Ashok eyeing me from the couch.

I slowed down but continued to take of my accessories while Ashok approached me from behind.

I turned round and felt my body leaning against the hard wood of the dressing table mirror.

He pushed me against the wall while his body pressed against mine.

My head was still up. His hands clasped mine and he pushed them down to my sides as I tried to free myself out of them.

"I've known you and your silly lies for long enough now. If Sushim does anything to you I swear I will......" he loosened his grip and clutched his sword.

"Sshhh!" I grabbed his wrist and pushed him away while I made the bed.

"Kaurvaki you don't know what....."

"I know."

Ashok just stared at me worryingly.

The night fell upon the palace like a meteorite and soon enough, the dawn painted the sky a pale pink, showcasing the sun in the clear space.

Ashwaki: waiting for AshokWhere stories live. Discover now