The Occult Four

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Gemakarta, Indonesia
06.50 Am, September 4 20XX.

"Oh man that was close!" I said to myself as I ran in to my class because I was really late. Oh by the way, I'm Antonius Eric Suharjo. You can just call me Eric. As you can see I'm from Indonesia. I really didn't expect that I will be late today since I got back home to get my music book. You see, I really love to write songs and listen to music of all kinds to express myself and it's kinda like a thing to me. I got second rank in my school, I also have a club too.

"Eric, that was a close one." This girl is my friend Fanny. She a part from my club too. "Yeah, I didn't expect this to happen. By the way where are Danny and Lona?" I asked Fanny. They're my
friends too and a part of my club. Actually.....we're the only members in the club. "I think they're almost here. They were suppose to be here a while ago. I think the principal caught them late and probably dragged them to his office." She said as she texted a message on her phone. Suddenly, I heard foot steps from outside and it sounded like someone is running. Wait it sounded like two persons running in the hallway and it's heading this way. Could it be....

And without a doubt, I was right. Those were my friends Danny and Lona. "So you guys got caught, huh?" Fanny asked them as she chuckled a bit. They nodded and started to laugh for a bit. "So later after school at the club?" I asked them. They all nodded "Hey I'm gonna bring my laptop so we can do some researches on rumors and maybe that might be our next investigation." Lona said to me with excitement. Oh I forgot to tell you...our club is a paranoramal and weird stuffs lover or anything mysterious.

We love to investigate all kind of mysterious cases and rumors too. We love doing those stuffs together but, a lot of the others don't really like it so, that's why it's only the three of us. We call it the Occult Four.

I just can't wait for the meet up later after school. Oh yeah, I'm in eighth grade at Cinelli Junior Highschool. We are well known for the best marching band around. But although I liked music, I didn't join the band because it might take all of my time that I can use to make songs and I can't be with my friends either.

The good thing is that I still have good grades (as usuall) with perfect scores. I thought I was gonna die in eighth grade. I'm glad I didn't, and life here is just great, even my club. Just doing what I like to do best...investigate things...well mysterious things.

The day ended so fast. It was already time to go home. So I decided to go to the first floor to meet up with my friends. We have a very cool base camp for our club. It's at my house, and the base camp is in the color of orange. The place is hidden by the way and only I know where it is. So as we arrived at my house, we went up stairs and went to the attic. That's where we usually meet up. Lona brought everything we need, from laptop to mystery and urban legend books. Well we don't always get real mysterious stuffs....we usually do investigations on a rumor or an urban legend but ended up as a fake not a fact. Man, I wish we could get something for real this time.

The place is great if I do say so myself. It has orange walls and a small windo in the middle. I coverred up the floor with a green rug and we have two bean bags, a desk, a computer, and some books about paranormal things, and some posters on the wall too. But I will never forget my music book. Because I still love music. Hmmm....Music and Paranormal? Doesn't mix well but I can say Paranormal Music that makes a nice ring to it. But there's no such thing like that in reality.

So as usuall, we started out making researches about the latest news and get up to date with the internet. As I kept reading my pocket music dictionary, Lona found something unusuall.

"Hey, Eric! Come take a look at this!" She said to me as we all got closer to her. Whe I looked at the screen, the head line of the site is "Mysterious corpse came out of no where." Okay this is just to ordinary. Well I thought it was. When I read the whole story I came inro a shock.

The corpse wears a pair of headphones with the condition-phone still on with adjusted volume? Okay this really sounds crazy, it says that a man was driving in a cold and rainy night to an office and stopped for a while because he heard a bump, which turned out to be a corpse. The body was all coverred in blood and the neck has a hole in the middle. It says that the man called his friend after that, to come to his location, but somehow when his friend arrived the man and his car was reported missing and only the corpse was there.

How can I believe such a thing."Hey, I've heard of it. It's a part of an urban legend." Danny said to me. "Urban legend? I've never heard about it." I said to him as I scratched my head. "Legend says that, if you play or listen to music in a certain place alone, you will die for sure." He said to me with a little tense in his face. "Why? Why would we die if we hear music alone in a certain place?" I asked him curiously. "Well, no one knows why but this can be our next investigation. So what do you guys think?" Lona asked all of us. At first I wasn't really sure, due to the weird news and a corpse with headphones.

But then I agreed with them. And if this is real, this will be an interesting case. Maybe Paranormal Music is kinda real...well only one way to find out about this.......

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