Smells like Art (Part 3)

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You gotta be kidding me......

"Is that what I think it is." I said to Lona as we all looked at the colourful giant jukebox from the distance. Everything was lit up. Like there was a party inside. Not just that. The jukebox was a mix of several painting styles, that makes it unique!

"Yup...the final to do this again?" Lona asked  me as she held up her weapon and got into position.

"Definitely, now let's get moving team." I said to them as we ran a bit faster to the jukebox. "Hey Eric, is it just me or...that art center is the same art center we got in earlier." Lona asked me as she kept running a bit while she pointed at the art center, right infront of the jukebox.

The sky was filled with colours, twisting and bending making everything into one big painting. We saw dead bodies being transported back to the real world. It was kinda creepy. We also handled out some enemies along the way. We kept running and running until our feets were all numb!

We were exhausted from all of that running. "*huff...Oh Jeez!*huff..*'s rest for now." I said to them as I sat down as they sat down too.

"Hmm...I wonder..." Ary said to me as she looked up at the bright colourful sky. "What is it?" I asked her back as I got close to her. She looked at me for a while and suddenly shook off her thoughts and began to stutter "N-Nevermind! It's nothing! I just wonder if maybe....there are survivors here..." she told me as she puts on an awkward grin. Okay this is weird... I think that's not her actual thought....

What was she thinking about actually?

I was a bit confused for a while, but finally I smiled at her. "Hmm...maybe your right....there must be survivors here..." I said to her as I looked around the place. I think she knows something...but why won't she tell me about it?

Suddenly I heard something move from a nearby bush. I stood up and carefully walked to it. "What are you doi-" before Ary finished her sentence I cut her off "Be quiet! I think there's something behind that bush." I whispered to her as I kept walking towards it. I grabbed my weapon and got close. Before I could even touch the bush, someone from behind that bush attacked me. The others were shocked and quickly aimed there weapons.

I was a bit dizzy before I realized.....

It wasn't a monster......

It was a man.

He wore a dark brown coat also a plain yellow t-shirt with a bit spiky hairtstyle. He was quiet tall around 1,75 meters. He looks quiet young, I expect his age around 20 years above. I scanned all over his body as he holded me down to the ground and pulled out a knife that aimed sharply at my neck.

"Are you one of them?" He asked me with a serious tone as the knife got close to my face.

"N-No! I'm a human! And these are my friends. W-We mean no harm!" I said to him panickly.

"Prove it!" He said to me as the knife got closer to my skin. You know what I did?

I sang the song Human by Christina Perri. Well it does say but I'm only human.

He looked at me for a while in confusion and put his knife back into his pocket. He lend me his hand and helped me stood up. "So, let me get this straight. Why are you here? This place is a hazzard for kids like you." He asked me in as he looked at me sharply as he stood up. "W-We're on an investigation about this "world". We're heading towards that jukebox over there." I told him as I pointed at the far away jukebox.

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