A Story Behind The Concert Hall

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Gemakarta, Indonesia
16.40 Pm, September 20 20XX


We weren't able to meet the three friends and also see eachother at the food court. It was raining hard all day and they also got other things in mind in the afternoon.

So, we decided to meet them in a different time.

In the mean time...I guess I'll have to stay in my room...since it's a little bit dark outside and raining...

I thought to myself as the sound of thunder began to make me flinch and close the window near my desk. I was getting a little bored since it was raining all day and didn't worked out as planned....

Ary was in her room studying some math. Mom was in her room calling the police to see the progress of their investigation in the concert hall. Which I meant, she was calling Fredly that is also the chief inspector of the case. I tried to figure out the right time for us to meet again. But I still couldn't decide when. It's getting busy lately so, I have to pick on the right timing. Especially my brother's girlfriend which is my headmistress. But I also wonder...

Why did dad build the concert hall in the first place?

Surely there must be a good reason to do so.

I was getting a little bit confused and decided to go downstair and check on dad. As I carefully went out into the dark hallway, with only light from my openned bedroom door I crept to the stairs, as I kept my eyes openned for my surroundings. It was a bit dark actually and there was a hint of light coming from downstairs.

It must be dad ...

When I got to the stairs, I could hear my dad playing his piano, and it seemed that he was creating a song.....

I tip toed my way down tthrough the stairs as I finally peeked from the stair bars. I could see dad playing his paino and stopped to write down the notes.

I wanna be just like him...

Soon enough, dad noticed me and I was a little surprised as I began to walk upstairs again. "Hey, Eric! It's alright. Come on down here son." He said to me as I stopped and finally went back downstairs and got to his place. At first he didn't say a word, he just stared at me as a smiled form on his face.

"W-What's wrong dad? Are you okay?" I asked him as I waited him to answer me.

"You know....you remind me of your brother when he was still young." He said to me as he looked back at the piano. "Really?" I asked him back as he nodded and looked back to me. "When he was eight years old, he did the same thing as you did. He tend to watch me behind the stair rails and listen to me playing music." He said to me as he closed his eyes trying to remember his moments with his first son.

"I still remember that day. He asked me why do I like music so much. It's because that, music is a never ending journey of a lifetime. And if you think that you don't like music, then you don't need those headphones or your playlist. Music is every where and even then, there wasn't much respect..." he trailed off as he began to open his eyes again.

"Much respect?" I asked him again as waited for him to answer me. "That time, music was well respected. But indie music developers and the royalty in the music industry doesn't seem to cut off. Indie music developers got less attention although among them all there were also talented ones and an undiscovered symphony. So, you can say that, the reason I built the concert hall is to give a place for every person, a chance to show their symphony inside them. And also give a reward for those who have the talent of being a great musician. I lived in a wealthy family and I wanted to be a musician too back then. When I became one until now, I started to see problems in the music industry. Although I don't have one, I still want to help them out." He stopped for a while before he continued on. His story made me sit next to him as I told him to keep going.

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