Calling Her

28 10 2

Gemakarta, Indonesia
12.05 Pm, September 22 20XX

Hmm....How can I do this?.....

Well, what I mean is....

How can I call her?!

"Come on just call her already!" Fanny told me as she continuosly tapped her feet unwilling to wait with both of her arms folded. Lona just tilted her head waiting. "Yeah you better get moving if you want to finish the story, or else this could just be one of those games that you stop playing right in the middle of the story leaving one unfinished game. It sucks!"Danny exclaimed to me as he was waiting for me to do it.

Mr. Bagus and his brother couldn't come with us because they were both busy with their work. We were in GC Park for a meet up. Ary came along with me, because she wanted to. Lyra was a little bit late, she said that she was waiting for her brother to get ready. We were supposed to call our school headmistress. But how can we do that if we even don't know her phone number, sure we could have just called our school office but, we were on a school vacation for two whole weeks! Infact, we were on a vacation after ou school mid term test.

And as always, I aced it.

"Guys, do any of you know her phone number?" I asked dumb founded and that's when Lona started to glare at me. "So, you asked us to meet up and you don't even know her number!? Why didn't you just check your brother's diary for her contact or search for some info?!" She said out loud as the others just facepalmed. "This is going to take forever!" Danny whined as he began to wander back and forth from where he stood.

"My brother doesn't have her phone number in his diary! He didn't even leave notes and all." I said to them as I was confused on what to do next.

"Then, how do you usually call her? I know that you've called her several times during our school festival last year for your poster project." She said to me as she stared at me with a questioning yet glaring look. I could still see that she was still mad at me because of it.

"I already told you, I called her by the school office! Is she even there?" I told her as she began to think of the same thing. "Well, if she is at the school, why don't we just call the school office to make sure. That way, we can go to the school if we have to, you know to meet her in person." Fanny told us as she began to dial a phone number of our school office.

"I'll take it from here." She said to us as she went to a nearby tree so we couldn't eavesdrop on her conversation. That time, all we can do was waiting for the next step....

I hope she's in there. And where is Lyra? She was suppose to be here minutes ago....

Come on....where are you Lyra?

I thought as I blushed a bit and quickly took over it. Thinking of her often makes me blush a little or acting all strange. I don't know when, I don't know how, but I was falling for her.

Does my brother feel the same about Anna, just like me with Lyra?

I thought to myself as I pictured my brother blushing while my school headmistress, Anna, kissed him on the cheek.

Wait....why are we talking about this?

We got an investigation to finish for Fiero's sake.

I thought to myself as I began to focus on the case again. And just in time, Fanny finished calling the school's office. The results are not good. Fanny told us that the headmistress was on a day off today, and she'll get to the office again next week.

We couldn't wait for that long!

I thought to myself as I felt a tap on my shoulder, coming from behind. When I turned my back, I saw Lyra with.......

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