Meeting the Legend

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Legato Main Hall, Gemakarta City
19.00 pm, September 23 20XX

It was him...the real Fiero....

. .........

He kept sobbing without noticing us still gazing on him. I felt so excited and yet, so nervous at the same time. He was still the same brother that I used to know and love. I knew the real him was still inside him. He just needed to finish his unfinished business; performing his song.

I carefully walked up to him, trying to comfort him. When I was close enough, I could see clearly that...

He needed our help....

"Umm....Fiero?" I asked him gently trying to not disturb him. It didn't take him long enough to make him look up to me. His eyes were a little red from crying and his face was still the same person that I missed so much. "E-Eric?....I-I..I'm sorry...for everything....for everyone and I-"

"It's okay...we forgive you. It's not your fault anyways. We know that you were trapped here all by yourself for all these years...." I took a deep breath before continuing. "We know haven't got the chance to show the citizens of this city of your work. But I believe that, they've approved you from the very start, that you're one heck of a music genius." I told him which made him chuckle a little as he began to smile like he used to do when he was alive.

"'ve grown way taller now. Although I'm still taller than you, but I believe that you can get even taller by time." He said to as he got closer to me and hugged me. I stood still for a while before I hugged him back. I felt everything that I used to feel for him pouring out of me...

I miss him so much.....

He is always there for me when I needed him. Now, I'm here for him. We kept hugging until Fiero got out of the hug and gazed at me for a while. "Hey, how old are you now?" He asked me curiously. 

"Umm fourteen. Why'd you ask?"  I asked him back as he shooks his head a little and looked back at me again with a smile. "Nothing, it's just've grown a lot and you changed a lot as well. You still love some-"

"Chocolate milk?" We said in a unison as we chuckled a little. "Hey, you still remember that don't you?" He asked again as I nodded with glee. Then my brother realized that it wasn't only me in that room. " that...Ryan and Anna?" He asked me curiously as put his gaze on his two friends; mostly Anna.

I nodded as a response as he quickly floated towards Anna and Ryan. "Ryan, my man. I miss you so much!" He exclaimed happily as Ryan ran to him and hugged him with all his might. Well, he almost went through him, but he managed to at least touch him. They were both happy to see each other. Than, Fiero remembered something....more like someone.

Fiero took his gaze to a beautiful girl that has been his true love when he was still alive. "A-Anna?" He asked a bit stuttering as he kept gazing at her. "Fiero..." Anna took a deep breath as she ran to him and hugged with all her might as she tucked her head on his chest.

"Fiero, I miss you so much! It's never been the same without you.." she said to him as she closed her eyes and kept hugging him. Fiero blushed a lot on her. He smiled like an idiot before he let go of the hug carefully as he tried to hold his blush from growing even further. "I-I miss you too!" He squeaked a little as Anna kept gazing on him  with a giggle.

"You know you look..." Fiero trailed off has he was thinking of something. "I look what?" She asked curiously as she blushed slightly. "You look older and much more like our annoying teacher in middle school." He said as everyone tried to hold a laugh. Anna took his left ear and pulled it over to her making him trying to hold his pain."I'm Eric's school headmaster." She said to him as she let go of his ear as he quickly covered it.

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