You Shall Not Pass....yet!

41 13 0

Gemakarta, Indonesia
09.27 Am, September 14 20XX

Hmm.....should I?...ugh....but I have to call him. Well probably both of them!?......I guess, I have no choice....

"Why didn't you call them yesterday?" Ary asked me as she looked sharply at me. "I already told you, I was too tired yesterday, and I fell asleep." I told her as I kept scratching my head.

"So do it now!"she says to me as she picks up a fist that is ready to aim at me. "I know! I'm going to do it right now! Just calm down will ya?" I said to her as I looked back at my phone again.

This is so confusing..... Wether I should call them or not, yup them. But, I have no choice do I? *sighs

I finally decided to call them as I typed their phone numbers. First up......Mr.Bagus.......

After I typed in the phone number, I was a bit nervous about doing this, until I got the courage to press the call button and waited for him to answer it.

.........*waiting for an answer
...............*ringtone playing

Jeez, what's taking so long? I can't just wait for him to answer this!! Maybe he is busy? I guess I'll just hang up.

"Hello, this is Mr.Bagus speaking. How may I help you?" He finally answered the phone with his cool tone of his.

"Mr.Bagus it's me Eric."

"I already know that and of course it's you, that's why I'm asking you. Why did you call me? You got a girlfriend?~" he said to me on the phone with the most annoying tone ever. I hate it when he does this.........

Wait did he just say girlfriend!?

"Wait what!? No that's not what I meant!" I said to him panickly as I blushed about it. Ary heard what he said and giggled a bit. I looked at her as I tried to clear my mind about it and finally stopped blushing.

How can she hear him say that!?

"I'm just joking on you Eric, so what's up?"

"Well, you see..."

I started to explain about the next location that is Toccata Academy. I told him that we needed his help or his brother's help to gain access on the academy. I told him that the academy is highly guarded and very strict. I also told him that we should make somekind of appoinment to enter the school, especially if it's in danger. Which is happening right now.

"Hmm....okay! I'll try to get an access on the academy, in the meantime try asking my brother for help, maybe he knows something. That's it, bye Eric. See you at the GC train station at 12.00 Pm. Is that clear?" He asked me again, I'm glad that he got the thing that I mentioned. I was relieved.

"Crystal! Okay bye." I said to him, as I closed my phone.

"Well?" Ary asked me curiously as she looked at me waiting for my answer. I just gave her a thumbs up as a sign of success.

Now....his brother....

I searched my contact for the name "Fredly". Good thing it wasn't too hard finding his name. I quickly tapped on the profile and called him on his mobile number. Like always, I waited for him to pick up the phone......

.....................*insert an annoying ringtone

Ugh, I hate this ringtone! Why did he use this one!? And it won't stop until he answers it!? This is going to be a long day....*sighs....

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