A Concert To Remember

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Legato Main hall, Gemakarta City
19.30 pm, September 23 20XX

As everyone in the main hall waited for them to come back, something shined brightly at them filling the whole room with white light. Both of Eric's parents and the authorities were confused and took their places for anything suspicious. When it was over, a rather thick white most filled the room as it showed figure walking up on the stage....

Eric's pov:

Fiero walked to the stage while the mist was still in the room. Everyone can clearly see his figure but probably couldn't recognize him at first glance. My friedns and I went to the back stage to watch on what he was doing. He walked up to a black and shiny white piano across the stage on the far right. He took a seat and wiped the cover of the piano before openning it.

He glanced back at me as I gave him the signla to start now. Without hesitation, he started to play the intro of his song. Everyone were curious of this mysterious man who was playing on the stage. Everything was starting light up with music all around. Then, Fiero began to take a deep breath and sang out loud....

"Let music bring life!~"

"To y~ou and the whole wide world!"

"Let music bring life!~"

"It's in our hearts and s~oul"

"Let music bring life!~"

"Whenever and wherever you go~!"

Everyone was stunned and started to cheer on whoever was playing the song. Soon, they realized...it was him...


"Life without it, will be completely different for me."

"My friends are music, and music is one of my friends."

"You gotta admit, the whole wide world enjoys it too."

"But one thing for sure, I only have one thing to say..."

He stopped playing for a while and glanced at the audience, including both of my parents and continued...

"Let music bring life!~"

As music began to explode and fill the whole room as he kept singing his song. I saw from the distance, both of my parents couldn't believe their eyes. The authorities were astonished by him and everyone started pouring in towards the main hall. Hearing a legend's voice from a concert hall after seven years was like a miracle.

Everyone started to cheer for him. It was like he was brought back to life. I saw happiness in his eyes and also his gestures. Anna was holding back a squeal and Ryan was happy to see him playing again. Also, I realized that my phone was still on.

I was about to turn it off when suddenly, an online news on the internet showed us a hospitalized Robby. As if he wasn't kidnapped at all. Then, there was a breaking news that showed "A Legend Brought Back To Life". I have to admit, he is a very talented boy.

"Whenever and wherever you go~!"

I could hear everyone singing along with him. Everyone was cheering all for him. And that's when something unexpected happened...

"Everyone, give a big warm welcome for my brother; Fiero!" He said out loud as everyone began to cheer even more.

At first, I was as nervous as I can be. Well, until Danny shoved me out of the back stage. I was a bit dumb founded as I quickly glanced at the crowd and smiled. "Sing it brother!" Fiero exclaimed happily az he pointed at me giving signal to sing the reff. I sang with all my might as I hoped for the best.

"Let music bring life!~"

Everyone cheered at me as I brother continued the line.

"To you and the whole wide world~."

We sang the whole song together. Well, I only sang the reff part. I had no idea for the rest of lyrics. But it was clearly the best time of my life. And it was also, the last time for me to be with my brother.

All of the crowd cheered for us, and we really enjoyed it too. When the concert was finished, the whole crowd gave us a big applause. It was the best night ever!

As we bowed to the crowd and waved at them we noticed that our friends were still behind the stage. We quickly called them tk come out as they all did. We never even expected everything to come to that moment.

Then, Anna stepped up to Fiero as she leaned carefully to him..

And kissed him...

They both kissed eachother infront of the whole crowd. That was probably the last time Anna would see him in person. She shed tears as she kept kissing as he kissed back as well. After the kiss, they pulled apart.

They were both blushing really hard as Fiero grinned at her. He was lucky to have a nice girl like her. Everyone was happy for him and so was I. He got his chance to show them what he can really do. But, something strange happened.

"Uh, g-guys...I feel...strange." he said to us as the crowd started to cool down. As he said those words, we saw him starting to...


"Eric..." he said to me as he trailed off. Everyone went silent. The whole room was filled with whispers from the crowd.

"Fiero?" I asked him as I expect something that is going to evebtually happen.

"I think....

............. ......


My time is up........."


To be continued......

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