Another World (Part 2)

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We were all confused.

We looked around the whole place that was completely different. "Did they die in here?" Lona asked nervously. We were all confused but much to my surprise...why are they here with me?

"Hey guys, I think the legend missed something..." I said to them. They looked at me and asked what is it. "I think that not only someone that listens to music alone that died.....I think that every person that hears them in an area far from crowds died in here." I said to them.

We finally decided to explore the place. We grabbed our stuffs and walked around. The place was deserted. Maybe there might be survivors or so. Suddenly I felt like I just stepped on something....

"Eeeeeek!!" Lona shrieked as she pointed to the ground. When I looked was a head with wearing a pair of earphones. Oh a head..........wait what!?!?!

And that's not all. Suddenly the head disappeared. "W...Where did it go!?" I asked myself as I looked around. Everyone were confused. Wait a minute.....the head disappeared....that's transported back to the real world! "Oh now I get it!" I said to everyone else. They all looked at me. "You realized that the corpse that the man found that day actually came from this world. Am I right?" Lona said to me. I nodded to her. Wow she did read my mind but it was obvious.

"Okay what should we do now?" Fanny asked us. We all thought for a moment. "I guess we should explore a bit. This place is...strange." I told them as I gave them a code to follow me. We explored the place even deeper. I really had a bad feeling for this place...since it was another "world".

But what bothers did this form in the first place? Maybe we will find something in here. Suddenly, something made the ground shake a bit. We all stopped and looked around. I spotted something from the distance. Wait.....a minute....a person?

It was wearing a pair of...wait headphones?! But.... Where's the face? As it came closer to us....the face was revealed....its eyes were on the headphones! The whole face was just a mouth. The mouth is quiet sharp that looked like sound waves. Suddenly in looked at me in the eye and attacked me with crecendo note. "Gah!!" I shouted as I dodged the notes. But before I knew it there were more of them. We were al confused. Suddenly I felt something warm in my bag and it was glowing. When I checked in my bag, my music book glew, and it was different than usuall. It had a dark red color with my pen that turned into a black long pen that looked like a conductor's stick. Well this is the only chance we got. When I openned my book, there was a rest sign that I wrote a while ago at the end of my song. Suddenly, it was glowing brightly and it turned into somekind of gun. It had a black slick color. It has a trigger on the edge. As the monsters got close I don't have a choice but to pull the trigger.


Instead of a bang, a loud thump sound came out and suddenly made all of the monsters vanish. "Wait how did that work?" I asked to myself. "Hey Eric,I think it worked because you made a crotchet rest sign. You know a rest signs means that it should be quiet. And they were all notes. Make sense right?" Lona said to me. "Hey write another rest sign in your book. The value of the attacks depends on the type of rest sign you wrote I think." She continued. I nodded and started writing down all kinds of rest signs for each of us. I got the a crotchet rest sign, Lona was the same as me, Fanny got a semiquaver rest sign, and Danny got the same as Fanny.

There were more of them. And we were ready to take them down! I shoot a lot of them and made them all vanish. Everyone did the same thing too. After we completed, I got a bottle of ink....with the name of "Composser's Ink". "Wait what's this?" I asked myself confused. "Hey I think that's for writing the "weapons" on your music book." Fanny told me as she held up her gun.

"Well okay let's do this team!" I said as we went off and kept on a look out for anything suspicious. Finally we went deeper into the park which doesn't seem like the same park. But...this kinda looks familliar.....I'm not sure.

Now we need to explore this place even more. When we got deeper in the park everything went darker and darker into a forest. As we kept on running into the woods we saw something up ahead. We thought we found the way out but it turns out...

It was the same park again. "I think we can't get out of here. There must be something else..." Fanny said to us as she sat down on a bench for a while. As I was thinking for something to do, I suddenly heard something coming towards us. We went to our positions with our weapons held up. We looked around us for anything that could possibly attack us. "G...Guys..." Lona said quietly. "I....I hear something...." she said to us. We heard a heard music coming from the distance.


I said to myself as we saw a big strange looking jukebox from the distance that seems to be at the center of the park. "I..I think that's our only way of g..getting out of here." Lona said to us with a little stutter. "H..Hey, you don't need to be scared, I'm sure we can handle this. You look a bit.....shaky.." I said to her a bit concerned. I know that she is the only member that has problems with her health. So, when I heard her shaking voice, I started to think of her health. She was getting weaker. I looked at her arm. It was bleeding a bit. "W..what happenned to you!?" I asked her. She told me that she was attacked by one of the monsters when we were all busy fighting them. She should have told us earlier.

"Hey do we have any healing items?" I asked to them. Turns out we didn't have anything for healing her. Well I gues we have to keep going to that jukebox. It's a bit far away actually. Maybe we can find something in our way.

As we walked to the jukebox, the music got louder and louder. Suddenly without any warning, one of the monsters attacked me and I quickly pulled the trigger out of my rest crotchet. But there was something different about it. This time when it died it dropped out two items. One is the ink bottle and the other one was.... a carton of chocolate milk? Wait why would a carton of chocolate milk be here?!

"Hey Lona, I don't know anything but, try drinking this...maybe this would help you." I said to her as I handed out the milk. Fanny and Danny weren't sure about it. But worked!

Suddenly, Lona healed up and her health was restored once again. "Oh my gosh! Thank you Eric! Wow that really worked huh?" She said with her cheerful self again. Why does it have to be chocolate milk?

Anyways, I nodded and gave her a smile and we finally continued our way to the jukebox. Who knows what's in there. But one thing for sure is......

That must be our way out. No doubt about that. We're gonna find away out of here and finish this mystery once and for all!

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