Finally Peace!

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Gemakarta, Indonesia
10.00 Am, September 8 20XX

Well, it's been a while since the last case was solved. But I still don't know what the rose was suppose to mean....

The teachers at our school are going to a meeting so we went home earlier today. Fanny,Danny, and Lona are coming by soon. My parents are going to a meeting out of town for the next five days. Only me and the house..just the two of us. I couldn't help but stare plainly at my window in my room. My room is...well quiet big if you ask me.

It's a bit like my attiq has more music stuffs. The walls are white with various music notes painted on. I also have a guitar next to my desk. Infront of my desk I have a wide window. I usually stare at it when I'm finish studying or just bored. My bed is black and white with a piano patterned pillow. I also have a collection of books about music and paranormal stuffs. The wooden floor is very smooth with a blue rug on top. My trophies are up on my shelf near the window. I also have a computer in my room and it's on my desk. I usually use it for studying stuffs and probably to check my email.

When I was trying to text my friends, Ary came into my room."When are your friends going to be here?" She said as she peeked behind the door. "Hmm, probably in a few minutes." I said to her as she got in the room and ran to me. She gave me a hug "I can't wait! Your friends are so nice." She said as she buried herself more into my arms. I just stroke her hair softly.

Suddenly, she pulled away from the hug and asked me something that I didn't expect "By the way..what were you guys actually doing three days ago?". I was a bit surprised when she asked me about that. Then she looked over my desk and saw the red rose "Where did you get that red rose? I thought there were no more red roses in this area." She said as she gave me an intense look on my face.

I just gulped sharply at her response, I didn't know what to say. "I guess...this has to do something with the urban legend huh? Am I right?" She asked me as she walked to the desk and picked up the rose. She gave a glare at me "You can't lie to me Eric...not tell me everything that actually happenned..."
She said with her sharp eyes right at me. You see, when I first got home from the investigation that night this happenned:

"Hey, so how was the investigation? Was it great?" She asked me curiously.

"Nah, nothing really happenned actually. So there was nothing to worry about." I said to her as I got to my room.

"Are you sure? By the looks of seems like the urban legend has something unexpected huh?" She asked me curiously as she let go of the grip.

I didn't answer her  question and closed the bedroom door immediately. She kept shouting the same question over and over. She even bang the door so hard that even I was having a hard time holding it.Then she finally sighed "Okay fine...I believe you! But I'll find out what happenned in the park today no matter what." She said that as she walked away from my room.

Well that's what happenned three days ago. I didn't tell her what really happenned that day. I just didn't want her to get involved. But now, I guess I have to spill the beans. Plus, she already found the rose on my desk and she is right...there are no more red roses in this area.

"* got me. I guess I have to tell you huh?..." I said to her as I scratched my head feeling....well ...nervous. I started to explain about the other world by hearing music in a certain area. I explained everything I know. " that's what happenned that still don't know about the red rose?"
She asked me nervously. I nodded and I also told her that now...the urban legend is gone. So we're safe.

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I went downstairs with Ary to the door. I openned up and turns out it was Danny, Fanny, and Lona. They greeted me and I let them inside the house. As we got upstairs, Ary went downstairs again to make some snacks for us. Well we went to the attiq to hangout with each other after one big investigation. We all sat down on the attiq and started to chat with each other. We started to talk about our last investigation we just finished three days ago. I was a bit sweating, because I promised to them not to tell Ary about this. "Umm Eric, you didn't tell Ary about this right?" Lona asked as she looked to me, the others were doing the same.

" sister, Ary she..she found out about you know...that other world." I said to them a little bit nervous, hoping for a good response from them. "Oh..that's okay, hmm..maybe it's time to let your little sister in our next investigation. I have to admit that she is really smart at cracking codes and solving mysteries. Don't ya think?" Lona said as she chuckled a little. "Yeah I agree. Your little sister is very smart. She is a genius! Especially on our investigation of the school's ghost. It was ashame that she didn't come with us last time. You know that music stuff." Fanny said as she crossed her arms. "Well yeah, it was kinda fun with your little sis around. Always happy and seems so cheerful, yet on the other side a genius and talented girl." Danny said as he patted my back.

Hmm..maybe next time I'll let her join in with me. Not long after that, Ary got to the attiq with fresh homemade sandwiches. The smell of rosted ham and fresh lettuce filled the room. Mmm..the smell was so good, and I can tell that it was cooked with perfection. "Hey guys! Want some sandwiches? made a lot." She said it with a big smile on her face as she put down the plate on the desk. Everyone started to take the sandwiches and....


It was delicious!

And couldn't help but take another bite of it. The sauce, the ham, the lettuce,the cheese, everything was perfect! Even Danny just grabbed more and more of it. My little sister was enjoying her own work too. Everyone enjoyed it. "This good!" I exclaimed happily. "You bet! Seriously, this is really...really good! Perfecto!" Lona said to us as she did a perfecto sign with her hand. Everyone else nodded as they munched into the delicious sandwich. "Really? Thanks a lot!" She said to us as she carried the empty plate down to the kitchen.

We were having a lot of fun together. Playing board games,reading books, and a lot more. We also watched movies together that Fanny brought for us. We really enjoyed our time together today. But then something happenned.

When Lona was searching for some great news for her report and suddenly...she shouted "What the heck is this!?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this. "Hey Lona what's going on?" Fanny asked as she got close to her laptop. "G..Guys...I think we have a problem..." she said to us with a little stutter. Ary and everyone else got closer. I was a bit curious about the news that she just found.

I got closer to the laptop to see what it was......


Oh no.....this can't be good......


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