The Encounter

25 10 0

Gemakarta, Indonesia
18.00 Pm, September 21 20XX


I hear someone coming upstairs....

Coming right this way?


For a second there, I thought I was imagining things until I realise that it was getting closer.....

It could be Ary, but there's no way. I didn't hear any doors openning from next door. Her room is next to me.....

Maybe it's dad! Wow he is a bit earlier than usual. But, i didn't hear the front door openning either....

Maybe I should just call him.

Think positive Eric....don't jump to any conclusions or non sense.....

I thought to myself as I reached my phone. But, when I picked it up, my phone was dead or you can say out of batteries....

Dang it! On a time like this really?

Wait, what about Ary!? Is she going to be alright!? But Why isn't she panicked about this?...

Does she even know that someone is coming?!

I thought as the footsteps began to get closer and closer. It seemed like it was on the stairs going all the way up to my room. "Mom? Dad? Ary? Is that you?" I asked out nervously as I didn't receive any response....

Someone is in the house....

Oh crap! I gotta hide!

I thought to myself as I reached out a pocket knife from my drawer and took my phone with me and also a power bank to charge my phone aswell. I quickly went into my closet and shut the closet doors tight.......

All I can do now is pray.....

Oh God please help me!!

I kept thinking to myself as I got tensed-waiting for the person to get out of here as soon as possible. But, strangely, there wasn't any sound.....

It stopped not long after I got in my closet. I was about to get out when suddenly.....

A tall black figure went thorugh my door......

A g-ghost!?

The figure walked slowly and silently in to my bedroom. But it was strange, because the figure looked all around the place as it sat down on my bed. And at that moment, I could tell that the figure was a boy. His height was about 186 cm tall. I couldn't see his face, but I could see the outline of his hair style. He wore a hat at the top of his head, more like a top hat from its shape. He looked down at the floor and looked up at my ceiling.

He sat there for a long time as I watched him from my closet. My closet has slots that you can see through, so I didn't need to open my closet to peek out. He seemed like he was thinking about something and tried to remember it.

Who...who is that guy?

I guess I have to keep watching him?....

I began to ask myself as I kept watching him from inside. After some time, he stood up and went to my desk, as I finally realized that I left my music book over there.

Why did I forget about it!?

I asked myself, kept looking at him on what he might do to it. He picked up my music book as he began to hold it in his hands. He stared at it for quite a long time, then he took a deep breath and sighed as he put it back on my desk. He didn't do anything to it, and that was strange. I thought he was some evil spirit or something worse. But, I was wrong.

Then, he noticed my brother's diary as he floated to it. He picked it up and began to sit down on my bed and began to read the diary. Seeing his expression when he read it, it seemed like he enjoyed it and began to read it in silence. Then, at some point, he chuckled a little as he read one of the entries....

But then when he got to a certain part, he stopped and  began to put the diary back on my desk. Silence filled the room. And that's when he saw the comic book that Danny gave to me. He looked at the comic book and threw it away at the edge of my room. Then, his eyes started to glow. His eyes were white but yet filled with pain. As if, it has something to do with him.

He was enraged and from his expression, I could tell that he seemed like he knew something....

Wait....could that be.......

No way. ...... .....  ....


I asked myself as I accidentally dropped my phone in the bottom of my closet, which made the door creeked open a bit. And that's when he started to look at the closet, he glared straight at me with an unpleasent expression on his face.

He began to float his way to my closet. That time....I was petrified!

I couldn't stand shaking with fear when he got close to me....

I was in the real world for god sake! And that means that I can't make weapons in the real world. And I was about to fight a ghost for God sake.


I am so dead right now!

Should I call the ghost busters or something?! Just end this nightmare God!

I thought myself as the closet doors began to open by itself, and I could see him standing right behind it. Suddenly, Ary called out from outside "Eric! Do you want to have some dinner with me? It's not fun eating alone all by myself." She said out loud as my bedroom door knob began to twist and openned revealing Ary with her favourite yellow T-shirt and blue shorts, standing there.

But right after she did that, the boy vanished from my room while he was looking at the door. Ary saw him for a split second and thought that she was imagining things. She went into my room and openned the closet door, finding me inside. I only grinned as she looked at me as she let out a sigh. "What are you doing in here?" She asked me with a questioning look on her face.

I didn't gave her any response and just stood up and went out of my room. As I went downstairs, she kept asking me about "me in the closet" thing. She kept asking it over and over, and she wouldn't stop asking the same question. When I got to the kitchen to grab a plate of fried rice, she stopped me and asked me for some information.

I only told her that I found the person that killed our brother. Glad she didn't ask me again about that "closet" thing. I quickly gave her a plate of fried rice that she just made. It was still warm as we sat down and began to eat it with joy. "So....the person that wrote the comic that I read earlier killed Fiero?" She asked me as she began to take another spoonful of fried rice from her plate right into her mouth. I just nodded as I munched and finished eating it.

"According to Fiero's diary, he was stressed out and depressed with his job." I said to her as I stood up and took her empty plate to the sink. While I washed the dishes, I thought about telling this to my friends....

Especially Anna.....

"Tomorrow..." I whispered as I finished the last plate and wiped it out.

Tomorrow, I have to make a deal with Anna to meet up with the rest of Fiero's friends. But the only question now can I do that? She is the school's headmistress for God Sake. I have to find some information about her, and how to contact her, I can't even go to school tomorrow. And she wouldn't be in her office because of our school vacation.

I have to figure this out fast....

Tomorrow....I'll sort this out with the rest of the gang...


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