One Last Concert

34 11 0

Gemakarta, Indonesia
13.26 Pm, September 23 20XX

I......I don't know what to say....

I....I don't even know how I feel right now.

Right now...the moment I've been waiting for...

I thought to myself as I took another glance at myself on the mirror before looking back into my phone. We all agreed to join the mission; the whole gang. Luckily, it was a day off from school; since the whole city is in traffic because of the concert hall. I was kinda glad that Lyra agreed to join us on our mission too.

As I took another look inside my backpack; I sat down on the side of my bed. Everything is ready to go, I thought to myself as I sat up and got ready to go. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door as it carefully creaked open. Ary was peaking behind the door as she took another glance behind her and went inside.

As soon as she got in she hugged me tightly. She looked up to me and smiled softly. She intended to go along with me; even if it means breaking the rules. She is known as the most diligent and responsible person in the house. Well, dad told her that she wasn't allowed or suppose to go with me. But, she put her words aside and told me to count her in.

Anyways, I let her join with me too. She was set and ready to go out on our final mission. Mom and Dad left us both alone at home. They won't let us investigate the case even further; but not on my watch. We took anothr glance at my room and went downstair to get my bike inside the garage.

Well, we ate some food before we head out to the garage; it's actually near the kitchen. After we finished, we instantly went to the garage door which turns out....

It was locked....

They must've locked up the garage so we couldn't get anywhere else.

"Dang it!" I muttered to myself as Ary gave me a questioning look on her face. I could just take a bus to the concert hall, but that won't work. They can catch me in sight and send us back home.

That's not so good...we have to get this open...

I decided to search the whole kitchen area where Mom and Dad usually keep the garage keys safe; no signs of it. They kept it away for good...

"Hmm...why don't we use this?" Ary said to me. Before I could even say a word, she pulls out a paperclip out of her pocket and slid it inside the key hole. Click! And it was openned. I got to say that I'm not too surprised at it; she often solves a lot of problems at ease. I rushed right away into the garage and grabbed my bike as Ary sat behind me. Suddenly, Ary got off the bike and went towards me.

"We forgot to open the the garage door. How are we suppose to get out of here with the bike?" She told me and sighed. I looked at her and back to the front garage door. We haven't openned it. Great, just great...

After some time...

As soon as the garage door openned, I rushed out of the garage with my bike. "Hold on Ary." I told her as she nodded for a response; I  began to gain speed the more I cycle. The road was almost empty somehow, and it was strange since Gemakarta City is the busiest city in our country. The cool breeze passed us as I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath.

I'm ready for anything, and I have to be. Even if it means facing a different him...

I thought to myself and continued to cycle even faster than before looking towards the empty bright and sunny road infront of me.

After some time...

"Ary, we're almost there. I can even see Danny too." I told my little sister as I got closer to the gang's meeting spot. They were all at the south park of GC park. We got a plan; sneak into the concert hall without anyone noticing. And that's where Fredly comes in.

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