Caught You Now!

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Gemakarta, Indonesia
17.16 Pm, September 20 20XX

"You tell me, Robby Sujaya."

Everyone was surprised with me as all eyes were on the one and only; Robby Sujaya. He only let out one nervous chuckle and began to talk "You guys believe this kid? Seriously? It could have been anyone else." He said to us as we were all furious of him. "Guys, this is just stupid! He's just a kid that makes up things like he's somekind of detective or something. Well, guess what kid? This ain't no fun and games, especially if you suspect someone without any proof!!"

He shouted out loud all of the sudden as everything tensed up; his breath getting heavier. He glared at me as he shouted once again "You know, you're no different from the authorities that blamed Ryan for Fiero's death. You're just the same, blaming people without any proof! Is that what you do because you couldn't let go of your brother's death!? How pathetic I tell you."

Suddenly, he gave me a smirk as he continued "What's your proof, huh? That's some great imaginations kid, I really appriciate your effort. But unfortunately, you can't just blame someone else with your imaginations and so. No fun and games."

I was unwilling to talk. I was waiting for the right time; to make him spill out the beans at once. "So, where's your proof kid?" He asked me with one of the most annoying smirk I've ever seen. 

He wants proof? Then, I'll give it to him.

"You know, I have it right there." I said to him as I pointed at his gloves. His eyes widened in fear as he cleared his throat as he glanced at me and back to his gloves.

"What about them?" He asked nervously as his eyes filled with fear. "Well, I haven't quite finish my statement yet. You see, I haven't told you guys what comes next after the culprit cut the wires. When the culprit cut the wires with his left hand, it left a burnt mark on his left hand. The culprit eventually had to cover the mark so he wouldn't be suspected in any other way. So, he decided to cover it with his gloves; that's why he went home to grab his gloves and go to the concert, which made him late. Ain't that right Robby Sujaya?" I said to him as I glared at him with a smirk; he went speechless with his eyes widened in horror. Everyone in the room glared at Robby, waiting him to admit the truth.

"Robby? Is-Is that true?" Lona asked him with a slight of disbelief in her eyes; her own favourite artist, was a murderer?

He didn't answer a single word. "Robby, open your gloves." Fanny said to Robby as he was still in horror with us finding out; he didn't answer. "Robby, I said open the gloves!" She said to him once again, and this time with a sharp glared at him. He had no other choice but to open his gloves; Ryan was furious about him unwanting to open them and proof to us that he wasn't guilty. With shaking hands, he openned both of his gloves as one of his palms showed a burnt mark as he showed it to all of us.

Everyone was surprised with the truth that was right infront of them. But the person that was really shocked was Anna and Ryan; both of their eyes filled with disbelief, anger, and pain; all at the same time.

"Ro-Robby, you...wh-why did you d-do it? I-Is this tr-true, Robby? Please, tell me it's not." Anna asked him with her shaking voice unwilling to hold her tears from seeing the truth; tear drops strated to roll down her cheeks. "You..." Ryan trailed off unable to finish his sentence as he glared at him; speechless.

Suddenly, Robby was on his foot as he looked down to the ground without any single word, but slowly began to chuckle instead. "You''re absolutely right kid. After all these years, the mystery unfolds now; by a kid." He said to us, and continued as he looked up to me. "And yes, I was the one. It turns out that you were right all along." He told me as he faced down to the ground; his gaze was full of pain, despair, and regret. Ryan kept staring at him; completely lost. He stared at him as he shooked hus head several times; as if he doesn't recognize him anymore. Anna was the one crying; her eyes were watery as she wiped out her tears and began to shout in anger at him.

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