
21 12 3

Gemakarta, Indonesia
17.00 Pm, September 19 20XX

What is that?...



Only one way to find out....

I thought to myself as I pulled it out from under the bed as I put my books aside. Turns out, it was a dusted olive green book. It seemed that it has been in there for ages. I coughed a bit because of the dust that was on the book. I carefuly grabbed some tissue and cleaned the book.

The book was quiet thick if I do say so myself. It didn't have any writings or even labels on it, so I didn't know who it belonged too, until one small piece of paper slipped out from the book. I quickly put the book on top of my desk and kneeled down to check on the paper. Turns out, it was a photograph. There were four people in the picture.

It was my brother's photograph when he was a lot younger with three unfammiliar faces beside him. He was at the left corner of the picture and next to him was a boy that had short dark brown hair wearing a blue shirt and shorts making a peace sign. Next to him was a beautiful girl that wore a pink half purple sweater with a red skirt, and she was smiling sweetly at the camera. And next to her was another boy with plain short black hair that wore green shirt with a paint brush on the middle and wearing blue jeans. He just stared at the camera with a happy smile. My brother was wearing a yellow shirt with a music note on the middle as he made a peace sign with a smile on his face, while he was putting one of his arms on the boy's shoulder next to him.

Who are these people?

I took a closer look at it but still couldn't make out who they were, and what do they have to do with my brother.

I guess that they were his friends?

I never notice or even know these people, even when my brother was still alive. I never get to know my brother too much, because he has a lot of busy days when he was still alive and his death of course.

Maybe I should keep it and ask mom or dad and see if they know something about it.....

But I guess, maybe this book will give me some answers...since I found this from inside.

I stared plainly at the book, before I realized that......


I haven't done my homework yet!!

So, I decided to work on my homework first then go with the case again.

...............*finishing homework with your favorite music......

After homeworks are all finished......

There! It's all done!

I thought as I rested my head on my chair. I checked on the time and it was showing 17.45 Pm.

Time to check on the book....

I thought to myself as I stared at the book next to me on the desk. I heart beat raced faster than before as I tensed up a bit on openning the book, wondering what might be in there.....

This is it then....

When I openned the book I was surprised.....

The book turns out to be his diary...

I didn't know that he writes...diaries?

Well, if I want to find out about those people in the picture, I might aswell read this diary and see what I got....

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