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Gemakarta City, Indonesia
08.00 Am, September 24 20XX

You gotta be kidding me....


I woke up in my bedroom. I was on my bed. It made me confused for a few minutes as I finally stood up from my bed awkwardly.

It wasn't a dream.....was it?

I looked at my phone which showed today's date 24 September 20XX. It was the day after yesterday. You get what I'm saying don't you?

Without further a do, I decided to go downstairs to check on my parents. And probably Ary too. Before I even reached down the stairs, she called out with her sweet voice. "Eric, come down! Breakfast is ready." She said as I kept walking towards the stairs. When I got to down, I was greeted by my parents; and of course Ary.

"Eric, you're finally awake. Come, sit down." My dad told me as I went to the table and sat down. " happened to me last night?" I asked him as Ary looked at me and tried to say something. But there were no words coming out of her. "Oh, last night? Well, you fainted in the concert hall. We have no idea on what we were doing inside the concert hall. There were a lot of people inside the concert hall too." He said to me which made me confused.

Did...did he just say that yesterday I fainted??

And he didn't remember what happened yesterday?? felt so real....

"Wh-what about Fiero and the others-"

"Your friends are fine. Fiero? What about your brother?" My mother replied as she glanced at me while finishing up the fried rice.

"Didn't he- Didn't he show up in the co-"

"Oh come on Eric, let's just eat!" My little sister told me as she winked at me. She knows something; I can sense that. I just sat there and ate as soon as mom gave me my meal. Well, I prayed before I ate it.

Breakfast went well like we usually do. Like...nothing ever happened at all. It was strange to know that last night I actually fainted.

Well, after breaktfast I went upstairs to clean my room up.  Suddenly, someone tugged my shirt from behind as I went up the stairs. I took a glance behind me to see Ary. She told me that she has something important to tell me. So, I let her go into my room.

As soon as we got in, we closed the doors shut. She turned to my way as I sat down on my bed. " know something about this, don't you?" I asked her as curiousity got me. She nodded shyly as she cleared her throat and started to explain. "Well...of course I know because..." she trailed off for a while abd continued.

"He...he kinda erased everyone's memory about the case. Well not everyone though. The only people that remembers this case are the ones that went into the last world. Which explains why mom and dad didn't remember anything. At least that's my theory for that." She said as she grinned at me.

"Then...what about me?...Did I actually faint??" I asked her as curiosity grew out of me even further deep. "Umm about that...yes, you did. We all saw the super bright light that came out of nowhere. And before we knew it, you were lying down on the ground." She said as she faced her gaze down at the floor. It took a while until she faced up again and looked at me with a warm smile on her face.

"Don't worry....the gang still remembers it. That includes your teacher too!" She exclaimed happily as she went to me and hugged me real tight. I hugged back of course, it was kinda cozy.

Suddenly, she let go of the hug and seemed to remember something. She went under my bed and tried to reach out for something. When she got what she wanted, she pulled it out without with all her might. I was surprised to see what she had found.

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