Music To My Ears (Part 3)

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Drums? What kind of music that has drums?

"H-hey guys! Just wait up for me! *huff...I'm tired you know that. And what's all with the running?" Danny asked us as he began to slow down and we finally stopped for a while. "Because, we don't have much time left! The sooner the better." Lona said to him. But we had to stop, so we stopped behind a wall so no one can see us. "Man, I'm thirsty. Can I have some water please?" He asked again to us as Lona gave him a water bottle from her bag. "There's still a lot where that came from." She said to us as she passed each water bottle to us including me and Ary. "Yay! Drinks." She exclaimed as she finally drank half of the bottle.

But, there was one little problem. Danny couldn't open his bottle because it was sealed. "Danny just do it slowly." I said to him as I offered some help, but he refused.

"Nah, don't worry I got thi-" he was cut off by his water bottle that opened up too hard. Some of the water burst out of the bottle and made the floors all wet. Because Danny was a bit too strong from openning the bottle, he accidentally bumped into a vase near the lockers......

It was broken.....

"Oh shoot...." I said to myself as I remembered, one of the rules....

Never break any school properties.... including that vase.

Suddenly, my headphones caught something. It was beeping like a lot and I saw a lot of students were coming right to our place!

Dang it Danny! It's all your fault!

"Come on guys let's get a move on!" I told them as we ran as fast as we could to the auditorium. I looked behind me and a lot of students were chasing us from behind. I had to shot them a few times until they can really be unconvious or die.

Then more of them showed up right infront of us and without further a do, we shot them all together, as me and Danny kept shooting behind us.

"Now turn left!" I said to my team as we all turn left and there it was...

The auditorium.

But there wasn't any sounds coming from the auditorium. Only silence and the sounds of the students that were behind us. The lights were a bit dim and it made the hall way a little bit scary. I was a little tensed up, but that didn't make me to stop doing this thing. As we got closer to the door, I quickly grabbed the key from my backpack and when we got to the door, I quickly opened the door as we all went inside the auditorium.

We were just in time, because when we got in, the students were right outside of the auditorium. Lona quickly locked the auditorium doors and we were safe. They couldn't budge into the auditorium. They tried several times before the finally gave up and went back to their classes. I was relieved as I put the key back into my backpack.

Maybe this can be another clue or something....

"Phew...that was close.." Lona said to us as she got to our spot and rested for a while. But, what we didn't realize was the room. The auditorium was all dark and only the light from the two windows of the doors that lit the room. It was cold and quiet. As we walked to the stage, we could only hear our footsteps to the stage. I could even imagined what happened to Lyra's friends and teachers that day. It must be horrifying. We couldn't see a thing at all, since the room was really dark.

But then, a spotlight lit up on jukebox right in the middle of the stage. I knew that the stage must be around there, because I still remembered how the auditorium was when it wasn't dark. As we got closer, I could feel myself getting a bit tensed up.

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