
34 13 0

Gemakarta, Indonesia
14.10 Pm, September 17 20XX

It was a sunny day as usual at my house. Me and my friends were already at my house for a meeting. Lyra even decided to help us along the way and Fredly was there too. Lyra thanked us for saving her school, that's why she wants to help us. Mom and dad let us use my room for the meeting. Both of my parents knew about the case that is going on in my dad's concert hall, so they knew what the meeting was for, since it will help dad so much on his work and his concert hall, which is on a tight situation with the "paranormal music" case

We were here for an examination on the clues that we got from the previous worlds. I even made the list of possible clues that we got from our previous investigations.

I hope we can get some results

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I hope we can get some results....

"This is actually exciting! We can finally reveal the true culprit behind these strange worlds!" Fanny said to us as she put down her backpack on the floor. "Yeah! I can't wait!" Ary said out loud as with a big smile on her face. "We're just like in the movies! Doing some examinations on the clues to find the culprit behind the case! We're juts like a genuine detecttive if I do say so myself." Danny exclaimed happily as he was proud of himself. "Yeah, you're right. But I'm the detective and you're my sidekick." I said to him as I grinned a bit and made him argue with me for the next five minutes. Ary just giggled seeing us both like that.

For a nine year old, she is pretty cute....

"So, where should we start?" Lyra asked us as she looked at the clues. Me and Danny stopped arguing and finally stared to think about on what to do next. "Hmm...what about the main items first like the rose, paint brush, and marching band hat?" Fredly asked as he held the rose as he began to examine it. "Yeah, you're right! I'll check on the marching band hat!" Danny said as he started to check the whole hat and got some notes ready.

"I'll take the paint brush then!" Ary said as she grabbed the paint brush and began to examine it carefully. "I'll go do some research with Fanny and Lona. Maybe we can find something on the net!" Lyra said as she went to my computer and did some research on the net with Fanny and Lona.

Well, everyone almost took every part and clues on the desk...

I think I'll go with the music sheets and the key....

I thought to myself as I sat down at my desk and began to examine them both.

Why does the key have an F key shaped hole on the middle?


But I guess I should check the music sheets first...

I decided to check on the music sheets. There were three music sheets on my desk. The three of them also have different notes of the song. I looked at it a little closely before I decided to play it. There wasn't anything else written in the music sheets except for the notes and lines. The three of them doesn't have any names and there wasn't even the composer's name inside it.

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