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"I'm back," you said, opening the door. Your eyes widened at the sight.

In front of you, all the cats were looking at the TV with fascinated eyes. Alois pawed at a few buttons. The screen blared alive, and the furry blonde cat launched backwards, fur standing up. You laugh, and walked over to lower the volume.

"Ugh, news," you said, flipping the channel. The cats watched you and the remote with curiosity. Glancing down, you saw their confused expressions.

"What? Never seen a TV before?" You asked. They all shook their heads. It's so weird that they can understand English...

Sighing, you went to Netflix, and pressed 'Black Butler'. The blue cat and the red cat looked interested at the thumbnail of Ciel and Sebastian. You clicked on the first episode, and Monochrome no Kiss started playing. The light blonde cat hissed at Ciel and Sebastian, while golden eyes just started at the screen, hate emitting from his fur.

Alois then jumped onto your lap and curled into a ball of light blonde fluff. You giggled, and started to stroke him. I feel like an evil genius that strokes its evil pet henchmen thing.

You couldn't help but sing along to the theme song, and all the cats looked at you like you were crazy. You can't deny it, you were a it crazy. As the first episode rolled by, you decided to make the little guys a snack. You made some sandwiches with tuna in them, since 1: you didn't have cat food, and 2: Who doesn't love sandwiches?

You put them all on a plate and set it down on the floor of the living room, where all the cats gathered. One of them pawed it just to make sure it was safe to eat, and then let the blue cat eat the delicious sandwich. Grabbing a sandwich, you ate along with the rest of the cats. Two of them, the red one and the dirty blonde on rubbed against your legs as a thanks. You smiled down at them, and went back to eating.

"It's nice to have you guys around," you said, looking out the window. "I just wonder how my parents are going to react..."

"I'm home!!" Your mother yelled, the door bursting open. All the cats, with the exception of you, looked in your mother's direction. She glanced at you, and then the eight cats in front of her.

"Honey," she asked cautiously, "why are there cats here?" 

"Um..." was all you could reply. The cats looked at you like, please don't get us kicked out! "I found them in an alleyway, all dirty. I gave them baths..."

She nodded, and walked over and picked up crimson-eyes. He stared at her with such intense eyes, you thought that would kill her. After what felt like hours of staring, she put him down, which he then padded over to you. You picked him up and petted him.

"Can we keep them?" You asked, mustering your innocent eyes. "They were abandoned on the streets!"

Your mom thought for a moment, and then nodded at you. You fist-pumped, dropping the crimson-eyed cat, who landed on his feet with grace. "Oh, sorry, Sebs."

The cat walked away back to the navy blue, who looked at you and mewed with disapproval. You sighed.

"Honey, I have to work longer hours. However, it gives me a raise," your mother said. She is a lawyer, and works in an office with everyone nagging her. You nodded, understanding what she had to do.

"Alright. Also, can I have some money? I have to go shopping for these furry friends," you asked, pointing to your furry friends. She nodded, and replied, "I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Tomorrow was Sunday, then back to school you go! In your eyes, also known as hell. Sighing, you headed upstairs to think about your life (and surf the internet for a good local place to get pet stuff, but mostly think about life.).

All the cats followed you into your room. You kept the door open so they could go in and out as they please. You hopped onto your laptop on your desk, and typed in, Local pet shops. 

Many options popped up, and you clicked on the first one. There, it had many pet items, and you smiled, knowing where you were going tomorrow. You turned off your computer after checking your Wattpad for any new notifications for your stories, and flopped down on your bed. The red one jumped up onto your bed and curled up on your stomach, purring. You giggled at the vibration, and stared up at the ceiling.

All the cats were now on the bed, staring at you. Your eyes were closed, and your breaths were more even. All of them took this as a sign that you were asleep. They looked at each other.

"She is a very interesting girl. She must be a cat girl," Ciel mewed to Sebastian, who nodded.

"We can ask her when we get back into our human form," Alois meowed excitedly, while Claude was staring at you with interest. To him, and all of them, you looked so peaceful sleeping.

"Well, Trancy, what if we never go back to our human form?" Ciel asked. "This is all your fault, anyways."

The light blonde rolled his eyes, and started to play with your hair, which he thought was soft and fluffy.

"Well, she is very warm to lay on," Grell lazily meowed, and the gray one laughed. It sounded more like a cat getting strangled.

The black-spotted one licked the side of your face, giving you a small kiss.

"Have sweet dreams, darling~" he meowed, as William grabbed him by the scruff and threw him off the bed.

"Do not touch miss (Y/n) like that," he hissed as Ronald meowed his apologies. He watched you like a hawk, just like Claude did.

"(Y/N)! DINNER'S READY!" Your mother yelled. You bolted up, scaring the red one half to death. You rubbed his head, and headed downstairs. "If you want to starve, be my guest. Mom makes killer meals."

They all stay in the same spot, spooked. You sigh, wondering if they knew what you mean by 'killer meal.'

"I mean she makes really, really good meals. I thought you guys knew what I meant," you said, walking out of the room. They all look at each other, and followed you downstairs.

"Thanks for the meal, Mom," you said. She nodded, and you looked at the cats, who were happily chowing down on their soup (they were picky, and they HAD to eat from separate bowls. Golden eyes and crimson eyes didn't eat.). You yawned. Today has been a really big day! You had not one, not two, but eight new feline friends!

You headed upstairs, and closed the door to change into a baggy T-shirt and some shorts. You first turned off your light,  and tucked yourself in. You felt balls of warm fur cuddle beside you. Your half-lidded eyes saw the light blonde one cuddle VERY close to you. You sighed, your breath ruffling his fur, and fell asleep. 

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now