Secrets and Revealing

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"I wonder," you started, showing Sebastian how to use the dishwasher (last time he did, you had to stop him from eating the detergent), "when my mom will find out about this."

"I think she will find out now," he replied, pointing to the window in which a car was pulling up in the driveway.

"Shit..." you mumbled. Sebastian's tail poked you, catching your attention.

"Language, miss (Y/n)."

You sighed, and closed the dishwasher. You grabbed Sebastian's tail and dragged him to the door in spite of his protesting ("Miss (Y/n), I think something is wrong with the washer of dishes. Please let me check them.")

Opening the door, you let your mother in.

"Mom, I have something to tell you," you declared, pointing to Sebastian without glancing at him. "As you can tell, these cats are not cats."

"Sweetie, you're going insane, and why are you holding Sebastian by the tail?" She asked, taking the black cat from your grip and holding him. You felt your eye twitch. Cocky demon...

"I'm sorry... it's just that you can't judge things by the way they look," you replied, walking away to find another cat. Your mother held the cat up, looking at him with curiosity.

"(Y/n) sure is an odd child, yet I love her," she sighed, dropping Sebastian to the ground, who landing on all four paws. He sighed, thinking about warning the rest of the cats. What has gotten into you?

He thought about checking the water and the food to see if they were poisoned or spiked with something.

In your mind, you knew they could help around the house. All they really did was just lounge around and getting into trouble (for example, the little date you had with Austin), which did bother you a little.

You felt something rub against your leg, and you looked down to see Grell look up at you with his shining green eyes. You lifted him up and held him to your chest, making your way downstairs.

"Grell, I need you to turn back into a human," you said. He looked up at you and mewed, confused on what you were saying. Were you really serious about this.

"I think you guys should get jobs or something, and I can enroll Ciel and Alois into school," you replied, as if you were reading his mind. He nodded.

"Interesting," he said, and leaped out of your arms. A crimson aura surrounded him as he went all red, morphing into his human form. He looked grumpy at you, his clothes still intact. Your eyes widened.

"How did your clothes stay on?!" You questioned, and he shrugged.

"I have no clue," he replied. You took his hand and gave him a promising smile. 

"Mom! Where are you?"

"In here," you heard from the kitchen. Running into the kitchen, you told her to turn around.

She did, and her eyes widened in surprise. Grabbing a frying pan, she ran up the the confused Grell and smacked him with all her might, which sent him flying to the couch.

"YOUR MOM'S CRAZY!" He yelled from the couch as your mom turned to you with wild eyes.

"Who the hell is he?" She asked,  still in an attack stance. 

"Uh... one of the cats," you replied, squinting a little bit. 

"Cat..." she muttered under her breath. Grell walked back to you and placed an arm on your shoulder.

"I didn't know that frying pans can be used as weapons," he whispered in your ear as your mom's skin slowly lost its color. 

"Says the guy who fights with a chainsaw," you replied with an annoyed face. 

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now