Possessive Pride

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"I'll take a hard pass," you replied with a slight smile. Brian bit his lip, trying to fight the urge to just whisk you off your feet and never to been seen again.

"Do you not... trust me?" He asked cautiously. You raised an eyebrow.

"You've admitted to STALKING me, so you shouldn't be surprised that I don't want you walking me home or anything like that."

"I'll probably stalk you home, so it's a win-win situation for me here. Plus, you could use the company," he offered with a smile. You sighed and looked away from him. 

"Fine. I don't mind the company."

The brown-haired male was overjoyed. He wasn't lying about the stalking business, but he knew you enough to know that you hated being alone. He caught up to your leaving form with a grin spread across his face.

The two of you entered the more populated region, where many were hustling around. A woman bumped into you and nodded an apology along the way. You swore that Brian's eyes darkened for a split moment.

The next person you bumped into was a blubbering mess. A familiar blubbering mess that you loved.

"Austin! What a surprise to see you here!" You exclaimed. He adjusted his blue glasses with a grin. 

"H-Hey (Y/n)! And... Brian!" He replied shakily, looking up at the two with large eyes. "Sorry f-for bumping i-into you and all..."

"Don't sweat it!" Brian spoke up, patting the blonde on the head with a large grin. Austin stiffened at the gesture.

"Getting a little touchy there, hmm?" You grinned. Brian instantly backed away from Austin, eye twitching. "Well anyways, I have to stop at the book store for my mom. You hang, 'kay?"

"Anything for you!" Brian chirped up, looking down at the smaller boy.  "Right, Austin?"

"Eh? Oh! R-Right!" He stammered, avoiding eye contact with Brian as much as he could. He couldn't make himself to look into the brown orbs that was going to suck the soul out of him. 

"I'll be back alive, I promise. This won't take long." With those words, you took off to the bookstore and prayed that they bought your lie. 

Austin glanced up at Brian who bored holes in the back of his head. He looked back down in shock, fidgeting with his electric blue turtleneck. Please hurry up (Y/n)!

Brian looked down at Austin with interest, wondering if he had courage to talk to him. People on the outside would only see two guys hanging out, but Brian could only see a possible rival standing before him.

Reaching down, he patted the small boy's head with a curious look in his eyes. Austin looked up with a small squeak, flinching from the soft touch. Fluffy... just like I thought. 

"Wh-What are you doing?" Austin mumbled, bright blue eyes wide with shock. He thought that Brian would attack him or cause some sort of harm to him. 

"Nothing. Your hair's soft. What do you use?" He asked casually. Austin forced his eyes away from Brian, not responding. Brian glared and pulled his hair causing Austin to yelp out in pain. "Just like a piglet in the slaughterhouse."

"I-I don't wanna talk to you!" Austin snapped back, spinning around. Realizing that he had just insulted one of the most popular kid in school, he backed away and cast his eyes down to the pavement. Some people looked over but returned to their duties. 

Brian grinned. This was getting interesting. "What a surprise, you can talk. I thought you were mute or something."

He advanced towards Austin who kept taking small steps back to keep his distance, looking everywhere to avoid eye contact. "Since you can talk, how about you talk to me about your relationship with (Y/n)."

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