Ramen night!

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"Hello, (Y/n)," Alanna sneered, eyeing your bag. "Turned into the crazy cat lady?"

You shook your head and turned around ready to leave, until she pulled your hair back. You yelped in pain as all the cats hissed.

"Stop! What the hell do you want?" You asked, painfully forcing your way out of her iron grip. She glared at you, and replied, "I want one of your cats."

Your eyes widened, and backed up slowly to the exit of the mall.

"I'm sorry," you said, ready to go into a sprint, "but I cannot allow that. You don't hold a cat by one paw, you moron!"

She glared at you with hatred, and lunged at the bag, however you brought it closer to your chest.

"I want a cat! You have many more, one wouldn't make a difference."

"Why do you want one?"

"If you didn't know, I'm a cat person."

"Can't you get one from the pet shop?"

"Your cats look more unique."

You clutched your bag tighter, and hissed, "you can't have one. They all have close relationships with each other. Taking one away could make another cat's life hell without them."

Alanna laughed, and replied, "I don't care, give me one or I can make your life hell."

You thought about that for a second. Alanna's really popular and school, and rumor says that she once drove a poor girl to suicide. But then again, these cats were special to you, and giving one to her would be the wrong move. The poor thing would be dead in a day!

"No," was all you replied before running to the exit of the mall. The sun hit your face as you slowed down into a walk. You then looked down at your bag.

"That was a close one," you said, as some bobbed their heads in agreement. You whipped out your phone and texted the group what happened.

(Y/n): Just had a run-in with Alanna. Think she's after me now.

Matt: Whay?

(Y/n): She wanted a cat. I don't trust her with any living thing.

Brianna: Oh, she's really bad news. She's gonna make your life hell!

Jessica: Don't worry! We have your back, (Y/n)

Matt: Yea! Never forget that we're your friend.

(Y/n): Aw thx guys. Matt, stop making this cheesy.

Brianna: Lol

You turned off your phone and opened your house door (because you live close to the mall, remember?). You gently plopped the bag down, and the cats sprawled out. However, they formed a line in front of you.

Kneeling down, you smiled at them.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked. The first one in line, which was spots, rubbed his head on yours nuzzling you. You took this as a thank you for saving them from mini-Satan.

Every single one did this, and after every cat did the nuzzle you stood up, and replied, "if this is the thanks for saving you from the devil, then you're welcome."

You headed upstairs to your room, some of the cats trailing behind you.

Plopping down on the bed and grabbing a book, you flipped to the page where you left off after writing in your reading log, because for some reason, you still did this. some of the cats snuggled up against your warm body as you put your radio on.

You pet the crimson one on the head as you read (book name).

"Sebastian! What are you doing?" Ciel meowed sternly from the other side of the bed as you pet Sebastian on the head, which sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. He instinctively purred at your touch.

"Relaxing, master," he replied, smirking at the fluffy blue one, who rolled his eye. He padded over to you, and poked you.

"Need something, Ciel?" You asked him.

"Stop making my butler feel comfortable," he replied. You gave him a sweet smile.

"Sweetie, I don't speak cat."

Right, he was a cat. How could he forget! Ciel sighed, and hopped off the bed and onto the desk that looked out into your backyard, which he then looked out from it. When will we turn human again?

Grell was playing with a cord on the floor. On the bed William and Ronald were conversing and Alois looked like he was trying to seduce his butler, while Sebastian and Undertaker were curled up on the sides of you.

Ciel stared at you for a bit, wondering why you took them in. Maybe you were a crazy cat lady, but he really doubted it. He took in all of your features, and then looked back out the window. Oh look, a bird. Why do I want to chase it?

He jumped when you closed your book. Standing up, you stretched and walked over to the desk in where he was sitting on, and wrote in your log.

"Isn't stupid that we still have to keep a reading log during high school?!" You asked the cat, who just stared at you.

"I have school tomorrow, anyways. I should pack up..." You bent down and started to pack your bags. Red cat padded over to you with the lamp cord in his mouth.

"Grell why do you have a lamp cord in your mouth..?" You asked cautiously. He could've gotten himself electrocuted!

"Sweetie please take that our of your mouth!" You yelled, as he obediently dropped the cord, which now had teeth marks in it. You quickly plugged the lamp plug back in and then turned it on. It flickered to life, and you sighed in relief.

Walking over to Grell, you patted him on the head, and said,  "if you don't know what something is, don't put it in your mouth! That's for all of you! Now, time for dinner~"

Walking downstairs, you went into the kitchen to make some ramen, since you were lazy and didn't want to get fancy tonight. You saw some cats come down to join you, but not all.

With the ramen done, you grabbed a bowl and handed it to the cats, who looked at it with wonder. You sighed, and explained, "it's ramen, pretty much noodle soup."

The shaggy gray one was the daring one and took a sip of the cheap food. He smacked his lips and kept eating. The blue one looked at crimson eyes and they both started to eat up.

The rest of the cats came down and started to eat the ramen, and soon it was done. You smiled at them and grabbed a banana.

Peeling of its shell, you started to eat it slowly, looking outside. If your mom was here, she would be telling you to make cocktails for the cats. You giggled, and headed upstairs.

Closing the bedroom door, you changed into a baggy T-shirt and some shorts to go to bed. The cats piled into their own beds that was on the opposite end of your bed (Sebastian helped you place the beds), while some snuggled up against you.

Tomorrow isn't going to be different than last year, right? 

You were wrong, but you didn't know it.

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