Shopping in hell

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You woke up, the first thought coming to mind was, school. That's when you remembered that it was Sunday. To be honest, you weren't really good when it came to the days of the week.

Sighing, you sat up to see two cats sitting pretty on your lap.

"Hey Sebs, hey Claude," you said, yawning and stretching like an anime girl, because anime girls are awesome. You gave them both a tired smile, which quickly faded into a frown.

"We're going shopping today, kiddos," you said, not knowing you were talking to over 1,000 year old cats (well, some of them at least). The two cats tilted their heads to the side in confusion. "Y'know, the mall?"

You heard some mews, and witnessed the light blonde kitty waking up, it's electric blue eyes all cute and sleepy. Your eyes widened, the cuteness intensifying second by second.

You rubbed blonde's head, as he purred in delight under your touch. The rest of the cats, who gathered around you, watched in rage and jealousy of you rubbing a happy Alois. When you were finished, you hopped out of bed.

"Breakfast~" You said, walking downstairs to see a small stack of pancakes on a plate. From what it looks like, they were still fresh and hot. Smiling, you grabbed a small plate yourself and grabbed one pancake.

After that, you set the plate of fluffy pancakes down on the floor, in which the cats circled around. You sighed, and ate your pancake and watched them.

It seemed like they were all so close, and here you were, taking care of eight cats. Smiling, you could think of them as your brothers. After finishing, you headed over to the sink and sprayed water on the plate. After, you placed it into the dishwasher.

Walking over to the window, you stared out into space. How did my life come to this? I mean, it's a twist, I guess. The navy cat's eye is crusted shut. God, those pancakes smell so good right now. Will school be the same? Summer is at an end. Why do the cats look so familiar? I feel like something is up with them... oh, I should run the dishwasher.

You started the dishwasher, in which the cats all snapped their heads in your direction. You smirked, and bolted upstairs and slammed the door shut, locking it. No matter if their animals, guys are guys!

You changed into an (f/c) t-shirt and slipped some jeans on. You then tied a sweater around your waist if it got chilly, and then slipped on two ponytail holders onto your wrist. Brushing your hair, you stepped back out to see the red one looking at you with innocent green eyes.

"Whatcha starin' at?" You asked, getting down and stroking the cat, who purred with delight. It gave you a smile(?), showing its pointy teeth.

Note to self, you thought, do NOT get on Grell's bad side. He could bite my arm off!

Laughing to yourself and thinking how lonely you were, Mr. Golden-eyes padded over with a note and some money in his mouth. You smiled, taking the note out of his mouth. Reading it, it said; You said you were going shopping, so here is some money! ~ Mom

"Good boy," you said, and the cat bobbed his head like he was bowing. Giggling, you grabbed a bag and made your way downstairs.

"Okay, please get into the bag," you said, "we're going shopping! Why do I sound so enthusiastic?!"

The cats piled in one by one, and you then picked up the polka-dotted bag, smiling. You grabbed the key to the house and started heading to the mall, which was surprisingly close to your house.

"Hey, (y/n)!" You heard. Looking behind, you saw your friends Jessica, Brianna and Matt running towards you.

"Oh hey guys!" You replied with enthusiasm. Jessica's eyes trailed to the bag of cats, who were taking in the three strangers before them. "Hey, I don't see (f/n) around..."

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