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Ronald almost kicked the door down when he entered your house, making everyone jump and the hybrids' tails go stiff.

"What the ever loving heck," you said, capping the apple juice and taking a sip. "If you broke the door, I expect you to pay for it."

Ronald looked over to the door and patted it, before giving a thumbs up. "It seems it's in perfect shape."

"Alright, whatever you say. But you'll hear from mom if you actually did break the door," you replied as you slammed the fridge door. "Now sit. Dinner time." 

He nodded, and took out a packet of paper and slammed it onto the new, large kitchen table making everyone jump. His grin told everyone at the table that something good was in store for everyone.

William took the paper and flipped through it quickly, and emotion flooded his face. You were a bit surprised, and rested your chin on William's shoulder. Surprisingly, he didn't shrug you off.

"What is it?" Grell asked impatiently, leaning over the table and making Ciel squish against Alois, who seemed somewhat okay with the contact and kept eating his ramen with a bored expression on his pale face. 

"It's... a thing for you guys to go home?" You questioned. William nodded, and you sighed. "Well, may I see that after dinner? I may be able explain to everyone what this is in a nutshell."

"May I speak?" 

"I think I get the most respect around here," you responded. Some nodded in agreement. "So I want to read this after dinner. For now, let's all enjoy this meal, since it might be your last one in this world."

You'll be honest, you were going to miss them. But maybe some can stay? No, that would be a selfish wish. And you can't demand more anyways. All you could really demand were answers. 

"Ronald, where do you work?" You asked, looking up from your bowl of ramen. His ears perked up when you called him.

"Oh, at a flower shop," he replied. You nodded for him to elaborate. "Flora's flower shop."

"Alright. Write down the location after dinner as I read through this-" you patted the large packet next to you- "large sheets of paper."

"You mean 'these large sheets of paper?'" Sebastian mused from the sink. You resisted the urge to curve ball your glass into his head. 

"Whatever. Same thing."

Reading through the packet was tough. Ronald had said that it was a large scroll before but this so-called "Auna" made it a packet to make it easier to read. It was in another language as well, so you wouldn't have been able to read it in the first place.

You flipped to another page, turning up the volume of your music with a bored expression. Well, a bored expression on the outside. Inside, you were getting a little sad that they were going to leave. 

That Lady Auna does not know how to abbreviate, you thought. Also, how the hell are they gonna get a phoenix feather  and three tears from the souls of the dammed?

It's been thirty minutes since you've started, and you were near the end. It was somewhat boring, but reading between the lines gave you the rundown, and you were ready to present this to your fellow feline friends.

You paused (f/s) and unplugged your earbuds from your phone, before shoving your handy device into your pocket hastily and snatching the packet. 

You went into the living room and were surprised to see everyone in their cat forms. What surprised you most is your mother in the middle of the couch petting Ronald.

"Mom! When did you get home?" You asked. She looked up from the purring cat and at your shocked face. 

"A few minutes ago. Sebastian told me what was going on," she replied with a smile. "So, are you ready?"

You took a shaky breath, and nodded. All of the cats were now in the room- even Undertaker took the liberty in attending this important meeting. 

"Alright, the rundown is that three of you have to go on a quest."

Silence. All the cats looked at you like you've grown another head, wondering what kind of quest you were talking about. "It's like a fantasy quest, and I've written down the ingredients on the back."

Ronald squeezed his eyes shut before hopping off your mom's lap and reverted to his human form. "I might have to take you to Auna sometime. Also, your friend Matt was there as well and was the one that delivered the scroll."

"Wait, but how did he get-"

"That's what I'm wondering as well. He may not be human for all we know," Ronald replied with a stern expression. "I know that something's off with that boy."

"I'll interrogate him tomorrow," you decided, patting Ronald on the head with a proud smile. "Thank you, Ronald."

He blushed, and reverted back into his cat form and bounded back to your mother, in which he hopped back on her and curled himself into a ball. At least his fur would cover his red face.

The other cats just shot him a small glare. "Well, that's all. Meeting over!"

Most of the cats stayed but some left (namely Sebastian and Claude, heading to wash the dishes). You sat next to your mother and Ronald.

"I think I'll tell them more when I return from school or Flora's Flower Shop," you concluded, "but other than that, this may be a high-action fantasy adventure! I'm excited!"

Your mother almost stood up and yelled at you, but she kept her cool and focused those emotions into her eyes. "You are not going on this 'quest' young missy."

"Oh no, this isn't my quest unless I'm recruited," you exclaimed, putting your hands up. Ronald looked back over at you, his emerald eyes gleaming. "I'm also quite surprised on how well you're handling all this information."

"You have a very accepting mother. Anyways, do tell me more about this please," your mom replied. 

"Well, there will be three people going. They need a list of ingredients and then give them to... H.O.? Whatever that is. Like I said, I'm going to need answers, and I have a feeling that a certain someone can help." 

Your eyes trailed over to Ronald who nodded and meowed, like he was saying that he supported you all the way. 

"I'll take that as a yes. Thank you so much, Ronald. Tomorrow is another day at school, so I'll be able to ask Matt many questions." The cat nodded with a smile before taking off to somewhere unknown. 

"(Y/n), this is nice and all, but do you really want them to leave?" You mom whispered in your ear. You hesitantly shook your head.

"No, this is like a dream come true," you whispered back, cuddling up against your mom. "I feel so happy... like when dad was here."

Your mom hugged you back, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "He... he was a good man. With a big heart. And he loved you so, so much. Don't ever forget that."

"How could I forget something that important?" You whispered back, closing your eyes and slowly falling asleep in your Mom's warm arms. 

Little did any of you know who was outside your house, listening to every word spoken. 

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ