News Flash!

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"I hope you enjoy..." You said dully, looking at the hastily made fruit salad. "It's healthy, at least..."

"It's alright, but the bananas are a bit... rotten..." Ciel said with a straight expression.

"This is shit!" Alois said, pushing his seat back. You slapped him on the head.

"ENJOY IT," you said with a deadly stare. "Be grateful your sorry ass isn't on the street. Plus, I made that salad!"

"You did?" He asked. He picked up his fork, and began to dig in with a smile. "This is great!"

"Wow, you really are bipolar. Are you guys enjoying it?" You asked, facing the reapers and the retired one. Your eyes couldn't help but wander to their chests. Are they all so well-built?  You wondered.

"Like what you see?" Ronald asked, catching your stare. You face flushed a little.

"M-maybe," you replied, looking away. "Are you enjoying the dinner?"

"Yes, it tastes quite nice," William replied, sticking another piece of watermelon. You smiled at him, and went over to pat his head.

"Thank you! You actually appreciate my skill!" You said with a strained smile towards Alois, who pouted and looked away. William nodded, and pushed up his glasses.

"I'm glad I could make you thrilled," he said in his dead voice, staring at you dead in the eye. Shivering, you helped yourself to some salad yourself. Taking a bite of a blueberry, you instantly bolted up.

It's so tart! Your mind screamed as you became stiff as a board. Sebastian ran over to you, worried.

"Are you okay, miss (Y/n)? Are you choking?" He panicked. You scrunched up your face and relaxed.

"Um, no. Just a really tart berry, that's all," you replied with a reassuring smile. He sighed in relief. "How come you're so worried about me?"

"You've been taking care of me by providing me shelter, so for a temporary time, I will gladly help you, however I listen you my young master for reasons you know."

You nodded, understanding. "Also, the boy that came earlier will be here tomorrow. His name's Austin, and he'll be taking your measurements tomorrow for clothes," you announced. You swear you saw Ciel's tail go stiff for a second. 

"Don't give him a hard time or you might find yourself locked outside for the night."

"Pardon for asking, but what are the sleeping arrangements?" Grell asked with a toothy grin.

"Well," you started, "how did you guys turn back into humans, anyways?"

"The spell wore off, dear," Undertaker said with a grin. "Lucky for us, I believe that we can turn back into cats as much as we please!"

"Oh, so can you guys change back into cats for the night? I don't have any beds..." you said with a sheepish grin. "Also, the cat beds would've been a waste of money if no one used them."

Undertaker nodded with a giggle, a gray aura surrounding him as he morphed back into a cat. He jumped into your arms as the rest watched you both.

"Anyways, it's about 9:59, and I have school tomorrow," you said, looking at everyone.

"I'm surprised that girl can go to school," Alois said. "I mean, they aren't that special."

"Hello, I'm a girl."

Sighing, you rolled your eyes. "I guess I should hit the hay, or go to bed. When you're ready to go to bed, you can turn back into cats and climb into bed. If you want to sleep as humans, however, there is a guest bedroom next to my room, but you guys are still... um... naked, so I recommend sleeping as cats."

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now