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I sighed, adjusting my hair as I watched as we passed the many trees from the car window. My dad looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, I guess I'll miss this place and all," I replied, waving my hand dismissively. Dad laughed, taking a right. 

"Really? You hated this place. That... that (Y/n) girl, right? You didn't like her."

"I still don't!" I retorted, my face going red. I sat back in my seat and leaned my cheek against my hand as I looked out the window again. "Well... she isn't that bad..."

Dad looked over and grinned as we passed the border to Tennessee. 

The move was smooth. I don't know why we were moving (although, I think he said that he got  a better job opportunity or something), but this change will be good, right? I can start clean, and not become the "Miss Bitch" of the school.

After driving for over an hour, we drove into a small driveway of a small, one floor house in the middle of a cul-de-sac. I stepped out of the car with a groan, stretching in the hot summer heat. I looked over at my dad with a small smile. 

"Ready for our new life?" He asked with a grin. I nodded, and went to the back of the car to pop the trunk. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a girl with long, straight brown hair tied in a high ponytail come out. My eyes followed her as she coaxed her dog to come outside. She looked over, making eye contact with me and waved merrily before running over, puppy in tow. 

"Hi!" She exclaimed, panting a little as she slowed into a jog. "You new around here?"

"I-uh, yeah! What gave it away?" I replied with a smirk, sweat crawling down my neck. Was that too mean?

She giggled, which sounded like a princess when they hear a joke. I felt my heart race as she patted me on the shoulder. "I'm Marie."

"Oh! I'm... I'm Alanna!" I stammered. I wanted to kick myself so bad right now! "It's nice to meet you! You're pretty!"

She blinked a few times in confusion. "Thanks..? You're not so bad-looking yourself."

I don't know if my face was hot by the sun or her compliment by now! I looked away from her stunning green-blue eyes and to her puppy, who smiled at me the moment we met eyes, like it knew I had a secret and supported me. 

So this is what it's like to have a crush, I thought as she gave me permission to pet it (his name is actually Sampson. How cute!). It's... pretty nice!


I looked over at my phone and pursed my lips. (Y/n) hasn't gotten back to me about anything in, like, a couple of days! I even gave her the most tempting offer of offers! Movie, dinner and ice cream! All on me!

The device buzzed, causing me to practically jump over to it from my sketchbook and pick it up. Sadly, it was just an Instagram notification. Nothing from my best bud.

Matt may know something, right? I wondered, before shaking my head. No, he hasn't been responding to me. 

Before (Y/n) seemed to had disappear from the face of the Earth, my last interaction with Matt had been... depressing. We were in the park, both of us enjoying some ice cream from the truck parked near the entrance. 

"So... have you heard the rumor?" I asked. "I mean, like, in our friend group!"

"We're friends, Bri. I think I'd know too," he replied, licking a dribble of cream from the side of the cone. "But if I haven't, shoot."

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now