It's all connected!

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"Hello, Undertaker," Ronald meowed, peaking underneath your bed. "I know you're there."

Silence. Ronald pouted, tapping his paw impatiently.

"Come on out, I want to speak with you," Ronald mewed, about to snap from Undertaker's silence.

"You are quite the persistent one, no?" A raspy voice responded after another moment of silence. A shaggy paw reached out and patted a confused Ronald's nose, before slinking away from the darkness and dust bunnies and into the light room.

"Yes, you can say I am," Ronald replied with a smirk, before turning his face back into a more serious one. "Actually, I want you to tell me about how we got here. I think you know what's going on."

"So what if I do? I don't have enough information," Undertaker said, walking past Ronald, brushing his tail up against him in a teasing manner. Ronald's ear twitched.

"I also know that you sneak out. You don't have to lie about that," Ronald retorted, running after Undertaker, who was going downstairs to where you and the other cats resided. 

"Why yes I do. Stalker."

Ronald's cat features turned into a flustered and shocked look. 

"Wha- I am not!" He hissed, swatting him with a multicolored paw. Undertaker wheezed in delight, and turned around. 

"How about we go somewhere tonight. I found a nice lady who can help us," Undertaker suggested, holding out a paw. Ronald started at it, conflicted. 

I don't know if I can trust this old man, he thought, but then again, being a legendary reaper that he is, he seems good enough.

He took hold of the paw with a smile. Undertaker grinned back, showing his pearly white teeth. 

"Excellent. Meet me at midnight."

With that, Undertaker slunk back into the darkness, leaving Ronald alone. He looked down the stairs, and then walked back into your room.

If I go with Undertaker and we're able to get us back home, does that mean I'll never be able to see her again? He thought, curling into a ball on your large bed. He closed his green eyes, not wanting to think about leaving you forever. 


Ronald's eyes snapped open and lifted his head to see you entering the room, closing the door behind you. You smiled at him, and sat down on the bed next to him.

"You seem like you're having a rough day. Everything okay?"

He nodded, before curling back up. Your smile faded into a frown as you moved closer towards him, petting his fur gently.  "If something's the matter, you can tell me."

Your hand retreated when an orange mist surrounded the cat, before dispersing to reveal a human-sized Ronald, ears dropped and tail still and stiff.

"I'm fine," he whispered. You frowned, and scooted over to sit closer. You put a hand to his back as his tail curled up behind you.

"C'mon, you can tell me! We're alone," you replied softly, tilting your head a little with a small smile on your lips. Ronald's face reddened as he looked away. He then looked back with a perverted grin.

"All alone?" He whispered huskily into your ear, making you shove his face away, blushing hard.

"Th-that's not the point! J-just tell me what's wrong, stupid cat!" 

He sighed, looking back at you and leaning back onto his hands. "I was wondering what would happen to us when we leave you. I've noticed that everyone had a special bond with you, and are quite attached." 

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now