New life

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After forcing Brian to help you with the clothing situation (which now all eight former cats had towels around their waists), you shoved him out the door.

"Don't come back anymore," you growled, venom staining your voice. "You're lucky you're alive right now."

Slamming the door on a petrified Brian, you faced the cats with flames dancing in your eyes. Seeing their pale faces (except for Will and Claude), you closed your eyes, and sighed. Opening your eyes, which were now calmer, you said, "welcome to my humble abode."

"Really? This place is a dump," Alois said, walking over to you and brushing his fluffy tail against your legs.

"I am really offended," you replied, batting his tail away. His ear twitched with annoyance at your dead expression. You walked away from him, a grin on your face.

"Should I throw you guys out, or should I let you stay," you said with a giggle. You felt that you had their fates in your hands, and it felt amazing! I turn around with a smile. "Wanna stay in this 'dump' as Alois calls it?"

"That would be nice, thank you, Miss (Y/n)," Ciel replied with his usual grumpy look. "May I ask, do you have any spare clothes?"

Your eyes fell to the floor, thinking. If they wanted to wear dresses, that would be fine, but only Grell would really want to do that. Father had died, so you really didn't have anything to give the guys.

"Um, only girl stuff, sorry. I could find a baggy T-shirt for the two shorties," your replied with a shrug. "If you want. I also have booty shorts, also known as girl shorts. I think you'll like them, Alois."

As Alois made a fuss about shorts, Ciel nodded and you trudged upstairs. Going into the bedroom, you flopped down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Miss, are you okay?" Ronald asked, barging in. You bolted up, surprised.

"WHAT IF I WAS CHANGING?!" You yelled at him. He smirked and winked at you.

"I would help you undress and then take you to bed~" he replied. You grabbed the shirt and shorts, reminding yourself to wash them after you get them proper clothes, and strode out of the room with the perverted reaper.

You gave them to the two Earls and pointed to where the bathroom was. They left with a butler and a wall.

All of the reapers looked at you, and Grell walked over to you.

"I don't mind a dress," he said with that pointy smile. "Also, sorry for biting that, cord-thing, darling."

"Oh, the lamp still works," you waved it off. He smiled, and tackled you in a hug.

"OH YOU'RE SO CUTE!!" He yelled, spinning you around as William, Ronald, and Undertaker watched (Undertaker laughed at this scene).

When he let go of you, your face was a blooming red. It wasn't everyday you were pushed onto a physically attractive bare cat-man.

"U-uh, thanks," you replied looking away. Your phone buzzed on the counter, and everyone in the room stared at it. Taking a head start, you ran your phone and saw that Brianna texted you.

Brianna: Hey girl! We're going back to the mall at 6:00 tonight! Wanna come?

(Y/n): Uh, srry can't. Got some guests...

Brianna: Oh, family?

(Y/n): Um, sure.

You turned around to see the reapers, plus the two earls and demons.

"What's that, miss?" Sebastian asked, poking your phone. You sighed, and pocketed it.

"A phone. We should probably get you all some clothes, but first I have some explaining to do," you said, beckoning them to the couch.

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