Tea Time

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"We need tea," you mumbled, scanning the shelves of your local Stop and Shop. "I don't think the spices isle is the best place to find it."

"Indeed. Do we need nutmeg?" Sebastian asked, taking a small container off a shelf. You shrugged.

"If you want to make dinner one night then go on ahead and place it in. I am pretty sure my mom won't mind her using her card for this," you replied, taking out your phone with a smirk. "We linked accounts. She trusts me, for some reason."

"Well, you are quite trustworthy... in an odd way," Sebastian mused, placing the nutmeg back. He remember quite vividly when you picked that box off the street and almost gave him a ridiculous name. 

"I found the tea," a stale voice said next to you, making you jump and almost drop your basket full of nothing. Claude stood next to you, looking down with a box of assorted tea in his hands. You took it with a smile, getting over your small heart attack.

"Thanks. That's a big help," you grinned as you placed it in the basket and humming to yourself. Claude pushed up his glasses with a small sigh. You noticed this. "Something wrong?"

"Demons don't feel," he snapped quite hastily before disappearing. Sebastian and you exchanged glances. 

"What's up his ass? Do we need pads or something?" You joked. Sebastian smirked, even though he didn't know what pads were. He had an idea though. 

"Very funny. I would actually like to make dinner one night. Follow me, I'll grab the ingredients," he instructed, grabbing your hand.

Your face flushed as he dragged you down another isle, grabbing what he needed. No matter what he would make, you knew that it was going to be delicious.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" You questioned. He nodded.

"When am I not sure?"

"...I can list a few times. Actually, one time. But let's not get into it," you laughed nervously. Sebastian frown for a moment from your dialogue, but continued placing food items into your shopping basket. 

The two of you walked up to a register and placed all of the produce onto the conveyor belt. The cashier looked up at you and then the butler, her jaw dropping slightly as she missed the bag. 

Luckily, Sebastian elegantly grabbed the piece of food and swiftly put it into the bag, shooting a rare smile at the lady. Her face turned red as she looked away with a giggle. 

"Wow, very impressive my dude," you complimented with a smile as you hastily put everything else into the single bag. "Okay let's go. Have a nice day miss!"

"I- uh- yeah too you. Er you too!" She blubbered as you walked out with a smile on your face. Sebastian winked at her before trailing after you, grabbing the bag from your hands. 

"Oh, thanks but I can carry them," you replied, trying to grab them as you ventured back to your bike. He held it above his head effortlessly, chuckling at your futile attempts to get the grocery bag back. 

"Now now don't stress yourself miss (Y/n). I would be honored to carry them."

"You have to get into my basket, y'know. You can hold the bag there."

He thought about your offer for a moment before nodding. "That sounds fair enough. Where did that mangy spider run off to, by the way?"

"If you're talking about the 'many spider,' I believe I am right here."

"JESUS CHRIST DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE!" You shouted, slapping the demon's hand off your shoulder. Claude frowned, his golden eyes piercing through your soul. 

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