Glasses with Miss Bitch

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"Hey, Grell, William, and Ronald, can you come down here?" You yelled upstairs to the cats, your laptop in your lap. "I want to talk to you about something."

You heard footsteps running down the stairs, and then a loud thump. Turning around, you gasped to see William face down on the bottom of the stairs, not moving. 

Gasping, you ran over to the seemingly dead William, and picked him up, cradling him in your warm arms.

"Which of you pushed William down the stairs?" You asked the two reapers, who both pointed at each other with their paws. You heard a dead meow come from your arms, and looked down to see William pointing at Grell with his tail. 

Glaring, you placed William on the ground, and towered over Grell, who was smiling sheepishly, like he was saying, please don't hurt me... I'm too pretty to die!

"Apologize in human form with a bow," you demanded, and then added, "if you don't want your face to be smashed with a frying pan, of course."

He nodded quickly, and a puff of red smoke covered him, soon clearing out to reveal a bowing Grell to the small gray cat. 

The cat rolled its eyes and made a small, disapproving meow, and hopped onto the floor, gray smoke transforming him into a human. He looked down on Grell, and squinted at him.

"Hey, you need glasses, right?" You asked, seeing that his glasses were MIA. He gave you his usual dead look.

"You just noticed?"

"I can't believe I'm going out AGAIN! This is, like, the second day in a row!" You grumbled, taking a turn. Ronald and Grell just shrugged as William pushed his invisible glasses up.

"Is that bad?" Ronald asked. You swiveled around with an angry expression.


The rest of the trip to the eyeglass store was silent, with the usual dragging of the reapers away from other shops. 

Walking in, you head the tinkle of a bell on the door. Looking around, you saw the equipment for eye testing, some posters, and rows of glasses that decorated the wall.

"Hello?" You called out, looking around. A door opened, and you saw a girl with curly blonde hair and red lipstick smeared across her face. Her cleavage was bigger than a normal woman's, and you wondered why she got a job here and not some strip club.

"Hello, darling," she said in a smooth voice. You glanced behind you to see the guys taking this succubus well. Grell had a look that said, why can't I be more like her? William was just looking back and forth between the two of you, while Ronald hid a small blush, staring at the other lady's figure.

"Hi, I was wondering if we could get these guys checked out?"  You asked, and she nodded. 

"All three of them?" She said, raising an eyebrow, her smile growing (which made you nervous). You nodded, and she grabbed William's arm, who ripped his arm away in disgust. You saw her roll her eyes and dragged him into the room that she was in before, and closed the door, sealing his fate.

"Poor guy," you stated to the other two on either side.

"She's a demon," Ronald said. "That's why you could see the disgust on William's face. If he showed any emotion, at least. You could make out his slight sneer."

"Wow, you have an amazing eye," you said. "Maybe you could figure out how the wall is doing."

Ronald smirked, and stared at the door with lustful eyes. "Gotta say though, she was hot as hell."

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