Lunch break

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You woke up in your bed, wrapped up in the covers of warmth. Sitting up, you started to recall what happened last night.

You must've fell asleep on the couch, and someone carried you up. You really didn't care who brought you up, but you silently thanked them after slipping out of bed.

Looking at the clock on your nightstand, you realized that it was 10:00 in the morning. You grabbed your phone, and turned it on, to see that Austin had texted you at 9:45.

Austin: R u okay for 1:00?

(Y/n): Omg Austin I'm so sorry! Sounds great...

Austin: Lol wow (Y/n)

Austin: You slept in, didn't you?

(Y/n): Yes...

You turned off your phone, and placed it down with care and waltzed to the closet, in which you pondered on what you were going to wear today.

"Mi'lady, may I come in?" You heard a voice smooth as silk ask.

"Sure," you replied, your attention on your closet. You hear the door open, and Sebastian coming in.

"Need any help?" He asked, and you nodded in response. He walked over and pushed you to the side, like he was criticizing your fashion sense.

"Hmm... you're going on a date today, correct?" He asked you, and you stepped away from him a little.

"Uh, no. It's a friend-to-friend thing," you replied. Sebastian just stared at you with a raised eyebrow, not believing you. He then turned back to your closet and chose out a cream-colored top, with the silky sleeves off your shoulders and two spaghetti straps securing the top to your body. He then took out a pair of jean shorts.

"I don't understand why this time period has such revealing clothes. Some man was running outside with only shorts on," he said to you, as you grabbed a light blue sweatshirt to go along with the clothes.

"Well, I don't understand why your time period had lords and ladies all all that shit," you replied, looking at Sebastian with a smirk. He raised an eyebrow.

"Out," you ordered, pointing to the door with a smile. "Also, are the rest fed?"

He nodded, and replied with a simple, "yes, my lady," and left. Flopping on your bed, you smiled up to the ceiling. Today was going to be great!

You got up and got dressed, and then grabbed your brush and headed downstairs, phone in pocket.

"Good morning," you yawned. Looking around, you noticed that they were no where in sight. A paw on your ankle made you jump, and you looked down to see Grell with a smile. He mewed a good morning, his tail brushing up against your leg as he walked away.

Well, you took it as a good morning, at least.

You felt something jump up, trying to get into your arms, and you caught the mop of spotted yellow fur. The cat gave you an odd smirk and sexually meowed. You wondered if any cat could pull off a meow like that.

"Hello, Mr. Pedo," you said with a smile and waltzed to the couch where Alois and Claude were sitting. He frowned at you, and a cloud of mist covered him, and you felt the weight on your arms grow heavier.

"Who are you calling a pedophile?" He asked with a grumpy look, your eyes wide. Shutting them quickly, you squeaked, "can you please turn back into a cat?!"

You felt the weight of Ronald decrease, and looked down to see him back in his fully, grumpy cat glory. He meowed darker, and you just started petting him.

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now