Mall ball

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A breeze whisked your bike away, Sebastian riding in your basket, drinking in all of the surroundings.

"What did I tell you about leaving the house, you ass?!" You muttered, and he looked back and mewed at you.

"Repeat that later, but right now I don't wanna hear from you," you growled, increasing your speed as you weaved past a few trees. "You ruined my lunch."

He rolled his eyes, and redirected his attention back to the road, watching the cars whiz past him like lightning. How interesting, he thought, watch an olive green one pass. They can function without horses, and they look so fancy.

"My lady, why do you not have one of those mobiles?" He mewed at you, but you paid no attention. He understood why, because you had to keep an eye on the road to not get run over, and you can't speak cat. 

Everyone in the household thinks you can speak cat, but you don't have an English to Cat book handy. 

You spotted a sidewalk come up on your right, and you turned, hitting the curb a little to hard.

Screaming, you were launched off your bike, falling face-first into the pavement. You raised you head a little, one eye open.

Sebastian quickly morphed back into a human, not caring if he was a naked cat man. He ran over to your fallen figure, and crouched over it.

"Are you okay, my lady?!" He asked, his pupils small. You smiled at him, and got up to kneel in front of him.

"Yeah, just a small fall! No big deal," you replied with a smile. He noticed your hand spilling blood, and he took it in one hand.

Her scent, it's so... He thought, staring at your hand in amazement. Without knowing, he inhaled the scent of your blood and smiled softly. 

Your hand quickly retreated, your face a blushing mess. 

"G-get back into cat form!" You yelled, embarrassed on what just happened. You saw his form quickly change from human to cat, and he pawed your hand, his eyes showing sadness and empathy.

You sighed, and slumped a little. Taking off your helmet, you patted your (h/c) hair down and looked down at Sebastian, who still had his paw on your hand. He looked like he was smiling up at you, in which you couldn't help but return it.

"Thanks for showing some concern, whether it was fake or not, I'm just happy you did," you said, walking over to your bike and picking it up. Kicking down the kickstand, Sebastian jumped into the basket and you were off once again.

You didn't know that he actually cared, no orders placed.

"You guys need clothes, right?" You asked Sebastian, and he nodded. You smirked a little.

"Well, then we're going to the mall, Sebby."

Last time you went to the mall, it went horribly wrong because of Alanna. You put your bike on the nearest bike rack and locked it. Grabbing the black cat and holding him in your arms. You hummed the first song that popped in your head, and headed into Macys. You knew you could always count on them when it came to clothing.

Taking the measurement sheet out of your pocket, you decided to first to go with the kitten in your arms.

"I see you're a 6'1," you muttered, and went into the men's clothing department. "The reason why we're buying your clothes first is because I want you to put some clothes on. Also, don't choose anything too formal, say a butler suit. I kinda need you to look casual."

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now