Behind your back

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"...And then he said, 'well you've got a fat ass!" You said. Brianna sighed, and rolled her eyes.

"Girl, we heard that story so many times, I might barf if I hear that one again!" She said, looking back down at her phone. 

"Really? I find the story funny no matter what!" Jessica chimed in with a smile. "Plus, Ciel and Alois didn't hear it before, so it's a new experience I guess!"

Alois looked disgusted while Ciel was blushing. Jessica nodded at them before turning back to you. "I guess the new experience isn't their kind of experience." 

"I guess not!" You giggled, walking through the gates and to school. 

"Why did he even do that?" Alois asked, grabbing your arm. 

"I'll tell you first period," you replied. That's right, you switched your schedule- no, that's wrong. Alois switched schedules to match yours. 


"But I wanna know now!" He whined, tugging on your arm. It's like taking care of a five-year old. 

"Have patience, child!" You scolded. Ciel snorted quietly, making Matt shoot him a questioning look.

"Fine! But promise you'll tell me?" He asked with large eyes. You smiled, ruffling his "oh-so perfect" hair. 


He let go of you with a hum of satisfaction. Your phone buzzed, making you jump. Fishing your phone out of your pocket, Sebastian had texted you. But where did he get the phone?

You decided to call him, and he picked up immediately. 

"How did you get a phone?" You demanded. Sebastian laughed on the other end.

"Your mother gave it to us. Anyways, I would like to start working."

You almost dropped your phone. Matt, Brianna, Jessica, Alois and Ciel were staring at you with confused looks. 

"No way! We need someone to make sure everything is fine within the house. You're fine, Sebastian," you assured him with a weak smile. 

He seemed to feel the smile, because his response was quiet. "I want to help with financial problems, that is all."

"Sebastian, we already have Ronald, William and Grell working. Not to mention my fabulous mom chef. We'll be fine!"

"Are you sure, my lady?" He asked. "I can be of use if you wish."

"Taking care of the house and making sure that Undertaker doesn't do any voodoo shit is all me and my mom needs. We're fine!" 

"...Are you sure?"

"Yes! We're going to be fine. Oh, where's Claude right now?" You asked.

"I don't know. Would you like me to search for him?"

"Nah, not now. He'll be back... I hope," you replied, "anyways, I'll see you later. Bye!"

You quickly hung up and shoved the phone back into your pocket with an annoyed expression. 

"What was that?" Matt asked. You just sighed in annoyance. What a stupid question! Sebastian was obviously the housekeeper.

"It was just Sebastian asking if he could get a job. We already have three working reapers right now," you responded. 

"H-Hey! What did I miss?" A soft voice behind you asked. Jumping, you turned to almost yell at Austin, but you didn't. He was too cute to yell at!

"None of your business!" Alois snapped. You punched him lightly on the shoulder and answered Austin properly.

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now