True Story

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You were now intrigued. After all, Matt was known to just disappear when you, Jessica Brianna and him were lounging around. 

"Oh? Please go on," you urged, wanting him to go quickly. He looked anywhere but your curious face.

"Um... well... it's an organization... up in the sky... and..." He droned, fidgeting in the metal seat. The trees swayed in the almost non-existent breeze, carrying the silence away from atmosphere. The black-haired male took a deep breath.

"Okay. I'm not actually alive, but I'm not dead either. Many would call us beings 'angels,' but we're the farthest thing from that. I guess you could call us modern-day reapers."

"Wait!" You shouted with a surprised look on your face, "you're not even human? Why didn't you tell us this!"

"Well, you would just brush it off or would freak out," Matt replied with a dead look in his eyes. "Now, you wanna hear my story or not?"

You chuckled with a smile. "Go on, young Padawan."

"What? Well, anyways this thing is, like, BIG up there. Now when you die you go up there as a free spirit. No one cutting your memories or any of that. Instead, you kinda end up in a purgatory of some sort. I... dunno what to really call it. It's not heaven and it's not hell."

"Then what is it?" You asked.

"Purgatory, like I said. But soon after you arrived, you're whisked away by a reaper. Now, these reapers don't really get out of the office and reap souls like they did back then. I think they stopped in the 1920's or something. I don't have the details on that. But now you're confined to a pretty large office that is a white block with the reaper."

"After that, you watch a documentary on your life. From your happiest moments to your most embarrassing, us reapers judge you. Now, most souls get to be reincarnated while the very few go to hell."

"What's hell like?" You blurted out, but quickly covered your mouth. 

"I don't know, never been there before," he shrugged, "but all I know is that it sucks to be you if you're stuck there. I guess it's your interpretation of hell that really shapes it."

"Ah, cool. Keep going."

"Okay. Well, after we're done evaluating, you have the choice to be reincarnated and lose ALL your memories, or you can work for the Heavenly Organization and keep your memories; possibly making new ones! When I was alive... oh man, how long has it been! A few hundred years?"

"Wait, you're hundreds of years old?!" You questioned in surprise. He nodded. 

"I know what you're going to say. I don't look a day over (age)!" 

"Okay okay, I'm done recovering from my shock. Keep going."

"Alright then. So yeah. I work for the Heavenly Organization and stuff. Surprisingly, many people want to join H.O., so that's why everything's smooth within the large building. The reason you can't see it is because of the blanket. I call it 'mist' like in Percy Jackson, but yeah it's just called a blanket."

"Okay, but why're you here now?" You asked. He laughed nervously.

"Well, I forgot to mention a little thing. There's a thing called the Council of Gods, and they aren't seen by any reaper within the establishment. It was only until a little while ago since I've been working with Auna; one of the goddesses that is part of the council. She's the goddess of the moon and water."

"So one day I'm working as usual and working on some paperwork that was piling up in my apartment- it's here on earth and that's why I don't invite you guys over- I heard a knocking on my door and a bedraggled lady was standing in my doorway with a large mug of coffee in her hands. She had a crazy look in her eyes as we're just staring each other down, before she dug around in her pocket and gave me a small gemstone, which then exploded into a large packet. With a glare, she said one thing. 'Read.'"

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