Party Invitation

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"Jessica! You look a bit different today!" Brianna pointed out. She blushed.

"Thanks for noticing. Yeah, I decided to change up my look a bit," she replied. You raised an eyebrow, eyes scanning your best friend.

Her semi-long black hair had been chopped down very short and seemed messed up. She wore a plaid jacket over a black t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. 

"Damn, you looking fine girl!" You called with a giggle. Alois and Ciel exchanged looks before glaring at Jessica, who didn't seem to notice. 

"Anyways, what's up with your short hair?" Matt asked beside Brianna with a kindhearted smile. Jessica blushed slightly, ruffling the back of her fluffy locks.

"Well, not only this..." she started, her face heating up slowly, "but I also want to be called 'Jack' if that's alright with everyone."

You, Matt, Brianna and the two hidden hybrids all fell silent. Her face fell. "I was expecting that reaction."

"That's... that's AMAZING! What made you want to go through this change?!" Brianna asked, running up to her and squeezing the life out of her friend. 

"P-Please let go of me!" She wheezed, causing Brianna to drop her and for the group to keep walking to school. "Anyways, I haven't told you that I didn't... well I don't... I feel like being girly isn't ME! I just- it's hard to tell everyone and to hide it from many."

"Your room is so girly and stuff," you commented, entering the school gates and stalling underneath a tree. "What's the change?"

"My mom wouldn't care. She would support me! But my dad... well, he's a different story. He'll blow! And my family's dynamic isn't in top condition right now."

"I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. Does that mean you're now transgender?" You asked. She nodded with a confident smile. 

"Yup! I'm feeling good about this!"

"Great. We have two gays and NOW a trans girl. Hooray," Alois said sarcastically. You punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"What about us?" A voice piped up from behind. Your group turned around to see Brian and Austin approaching. Alois scoffed and moved closer to you.

"He didn't say a-anything. Just forget about it that's all," Austin whispered, tugging on his sleeve nervously. Austin glared at Alois, who would be dead if looks could kill. He grabbed Austin by the arm and stalked over to the blonde, the poor boy in tow.

"If you have something to say, speak up," he growled. Austin thought he was going to die. You stepped in with a calm expression on your face.

"Now now Brian, no need to get too defensive. We're saying that Jessica is going through quite a change right now," you replied, pointing at your friend who waved shyly.

"Oh! W-Well, what a pleasant surprise! I'm v-very happy for you!" Austin said, walked over to Jessica after prying his arm away from the brunette. 

"Thanks! That means a lot!" Jessica replied, feeling her hair once more and ignoring the fight between Alois and Brian in the background. 

"Again, when did you want to do this?" Brian piped up, looking up from his phone. Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! Quite some time ago. Maybe when I was... ten? I forgot but I never felt like I was ME for quite awhile and I feel like I had JUST figured it out!" She explained. "I can't wait until I get a... y'know... someday! This is just small change right now!"

Austin looked excited about these new changes along with Brianna and Matt. Ciel looked somewhat confused about this getting the "y'know" attached and all of this drama. 

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now