Arguments and Windows

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"A new job, huh?" You asked, looking at your laptop with Sebastian on your lap. He nodded, and used the touch pad to open the notepad, and started to type at an inhuman- or "incat" speed.

Yes, just a job that will benefit you in general, my lady, he typed, before looking back up at you. Reclining in the fixed couch, you search up "modeling careers."

Sebastian was getting a little pissed off with your choice as you looked at handsome, half-shirtless men. However, you didn't look fazed in the least like some girls would. You looked down to see Sebastian's confused face. You patted him on the head. 

"Only into 2D guys, Sebby. Don't give me that hostile look," you scolded before scrolling down. "Also, you're handsome enough for modeling, and you want to help, right? Then maybe you can do this... or you can keep working in the house."

He pushed your hand away from the mouse and went back to the notepad. Which one do you prefer me to work for?

"I don't know. It's your choice, but I need to know where at least one of you works at. I'm pretty sure Ronald works at... a flower shop? I thought he would be a prostitute," you said casually, "don't tell him I said that."

Sebastian nodded, before hopping off your lap and turning back into his original "human" state. He sat besides you and took the laptop off your lap and started to scroll down. "Why would you recommend this job, my lady?"

Because you look sexy naked, you wanted to say, but instead you replied, "I thought it would be a good idea for you. Working in a cubical all day sounds very boring and I know that you aren't the one for coffee shop or fast food places. You need something with... a little more than that, let's just say."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, looking back at you. You nodded.

"It's either a job or housework, buddy."

A crash made you jump off the couch with wide eyes. "Oh shit, I'm gonna go check what's going on. Be back down!" 

You ran upstairs to see what the ruckus was all about, and Sebastian looked back at the computer with a small smile. How kind of miss (Y/n) to give me a choice between jobs. Although I do feel like she doesn't want me to really get one.

The butler's ears flattened, a wave of guilt washing over him. Am I betraying her?! I believe I have made my decision. 

He shut the laptop and stood up, heading upstairs to see if something was wrong. Following your voice, he walked into you, Ciel, and Alois in an argument. 

"What do you mean?! I don't care if he's being annoying, you were being too loud!" You yelled, pointing a finger at Alois, who looked as angry as you.

"Shut it, bitch! You don't understand our relationship!" He roared back, his entire body stiff. Ciel was sitting on the bed with a bored expression plastered on his face. As soon as the demon walked in, he looked over in his direction. 

"Hello, Sebastian," he greeted calmly. Sebastian nodded, acknowledging his presence and walked over to the young Earl. "Do you think you can do something about... this?"

He nodded with a smile. "Yes, my lord."

With those three infamous words, he grabbed Alois by the collar and opened your window, before dropping him. 

You ran to the window with wild eyes, grabbing Alois's extended hand and holding on for dear life. You looked back at Sebastian with a nasty glare as Alois screamed bloody murder.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD SEBASTIAN. ONE DOESN'T JUST THROW THEIR BITCHY EARLS OUT THE WINDOW!" You screamed, trying to drag Alois back into your room. "Help me, dammit!"

Sebastian looked over at his master for approval. Ciel nodded, and he slowly walked over and grabbed the poor earl's arm and pushing you off to the side, near Ciel. 

"Your butler is crazy," you commented. He nodded.

"You've noticed," he replied, making you giggle. He blushed, and looked away. Her laugh is nice... 

As soon as Alois was back in the room, he was spewing nonsense out of his mouth at Sebastian, who looked unaffected. You pursed your lips, noticing the older cat starting to get agitated. 

"Ciel, Sebastian, leave the room," you commanded and pointed to the door. The two exchanged glances, before a curt nod and bow came from the two and promptly left the room. You turned to an angered Alois and hugged him. 

He relaxed into your gentle embrace, loosening up as you rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, thank you," he replied with a happy grin. Hah! Take that, Ciel!

He started to purr with delight as you kept holding him close. After a minute, you let go with a soft smile. "You seem calmer now! That's good."

He then tackled you into another hug, but it was tighter and more possessive, earning a small squeak from your lips. 

I love you, (Y/n)! Alois thought happily, squeezing you tighter.

"I-I can't breath," you sputtered. He released immediately, tears welling into the corners of his eyes. 

"Forgive me!"

"You liking your new life?"

Ronald looked behind him to see Auna with another cup of coffee in her hands, smirking. 

"You can say that again, I have a beautiful girl taking care of me! And her mother doesn't look too bad either..."

"Perv," she replied while taking a sip of her coffee. He scoffed and finished his bouquet, handing it to the goddess who inspected it. "Yeah, good enough."

"Oh thank god," he breathed, before putting it with the rest on the  counter. "How are you still in business?"

"Don't question me," she snapped, before taking a big gulp of coffee. The soft tingle of the store bell emitted throughout the small shop. 

"Oh, hello Matt," she greeted with a smile. He grunted a hello, before his eyes landed on Ronald, piercing through his skull. 

"Who are you?" He asked with a pissed expression. The man stood up, and smiled. 

"I'm Ronald. Nice to meet you, Matt. Say, aren't you friends with (Y/n)?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)?" He asked, "how do you know her? Are you one of those guys who live with her?"

"Uh, yes..." Ronald replied cautiously, hoping that your friend wouldn't beat him to a pulp. Instead of being beaten, Matt only nodded. 

"Pleased to meet ya. Anyways, I came to give you this," he said, rushing over to Auna. "From the Heavenly Organization."

"Thank you, Matt. Now, run along and smoke weed. Whatever the kids do these days," she replied, waving her delicate hand shooing him away. Matt nodded.

"We do NOT smoke weed, by the way," he said before grabbing a rose and exiting the shop, running out of sight. 

"Hey! That's... oh whatever," Auna sighed before opening the scroll. Ronald watched as her expression turned from confusions to horror, and then to joy. She looked up with a small smile on her face, setting her mug on the large windowsill.

"Mr. Knox, I think I know how to get you and your little friends home."

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