Is it a Date?

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"Hey. I know you're into (Y/n)."

Alois jumped, almost dropping his pizza. Brianna had a sly look on her face, and took his arm. You looked up from your ham and cheese sandwich with a raised eyebrow, but went back to eating.

You, Austin, Brianna, Jessica, Matt, Alois, Ciel and Brian (who seemed to have joined the roster) were enjoying lunch at a table outside on courtyard day. Since uniforms were abolished from the school, everyone wore whatever they could get their hands on in the morning. 

"What are you talking about?! And what do you mean 'into?'" He yelled. Brianna sighed and grabbed Alois's arm, taking him away from the small table and inside. 

"What's up with him?" You mumbled. 

"Ignore that loud-mouthed bastard. He has nothing good to say," Ciel retorted, eating another piece of lettuce. You shrugged and happily munched on your sandwich with a smile, not noticing Matt purse his lips.

"Oh Jessica, I was wondering something. Ever heard of 'Madoka Magica?" You asked, glancing over your friend. Her eyes lit up. 

"Totally! I cried when-"

"P-Please don't spoil anything! I... I wanna watch it," Austin chimed in quietly. Jessica's mouth formed a silent 'o' and nodded.

"How 'bout we watch it over the weekend? I haven't watched it either, but I've heard that it's really sad," Brian offered. Austin forced a small smile on his face.

"S-Sure! Let's work out the details later..."

"No, we have time now. There's no time like the present!" Brian said with a smile, ruffling Austin's hair in a loving manner.

You tuned him out and looked over to Ciel, whose eye was glossed over. He must be reflecting on something. Maybe I should ask..?

"Don't bother (Y/n), I'm alright," the hidden hybrid replied, finishing his salad and standing up to throw it away. You watched him leave before turning back around and wolfing down the rest of your sandwich.

Meanwhile, Brianna had dragged the confused and enraged Alois into the girl's bathroom. He looked around, before saying, "this is the girl's bathroom you bloody moron!"

"Yeah you'll pass as a girl," Brianna replied with a sigh. "Anyways, I want to talk about your feelings towards (Y/n). You're in all her classes now because of a deal you made with the principal, and you're always around her."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Alois asked, a sour look on his pale skin. Brianna scoffed, flicking him lightly on the forehead. 

"It means that you're in love with her. It's so obvious by now that I think that (Y/n) knows, but she's in constant denial and saying that you're 'just a friend' or some crap like that."

"...Oh. Well, maybe she shares similar feelings!" Alois replied with a hopeful look in his eyes. "If I asked her to marry me, then she would say yes!"

Brianna laughed at the poor boy, wondering how naive he could get. What an uncultured little brat.

"What you have to do is make her fall for you. And that starts with-" her mischievous grin grew wider- "a date."

"A... a what now?" Alois squeaked. Whatever she was talking about, it sounded like one more step for you to be with him. 

"It's called a 'date' lover boy," Brianna smiled. "You take her somewhere and have personal time with her. Just the two of you. Of course, there are double dates but I think you need just one single date. I doubt you want anyone tagging along with the two of you anyways."

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