Do you love me?

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"Uh, sure! Sounds like fun!" You replied with a cheery smile, brushing off the glaring eyes at the poor, pale boy.

Get it together! You had enough confidence to ask (Y/n) out to talk about these... things... I should feel happy, not nervous! Austin thought as you gave him a curious look.

"What's wrong?" You asked as the rest glared at him behind you (except for Claude and William, being walls and such). He squeaked a little, and replied, "nothing! I gotta go see you tomorrow!"

With those awkward words filling the air, he fled out the door, slamming it behind him. An uncomfortable silence spread between all of you. 

"So... now what?" You questioned as most of then morphed back into cats behind your back. Turning around, you looked up, left, and right to see where they went.

A mewl caught your attention, and your eyes traveled down to a small, grumpy-looking gray cat with piercing emerald-green eyes.

"Eh? Sorry, I didn't see you there!" You proclaimed with a smile, picking up the grumpy kitty and stroking its sleek, dark fur with one hand. The other cats watched in jealousy as you put him back in contact with the ground and waltzed towards the kitchen.

"Hmm... what do y'all want?" You asked them. They all looked around the room for no apparent reason, but had no response. Figured, they were cats.

"How about some soup? I'm in the mood for that," you said, looking at the cats, who exchanged glances with one another, and then nodded in approval.

"Sounds good," Ronald mewled. "Cooked by a lovely goddess, too!"

"Oh shut it," William meowed grumpily, and took a leap onto the kitchen table with ease.  "However, I am a bit chilly..." 

"Then some soup should warm you up," Ronald replied with a small laugh, which was a bit contagious, since Undertaker started wheezing like a dying cat.

However, he wasn't dying, but that didn't stop you from turning around and almost sprinting to Undertaker.

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU SLOWLY DYING?!" You yelled in his face, which only made the mop of fur wheeze harder.

"He's not dying! That thing is only laughing!" Grell hissed, but you ignored him, since you couldn't speak cat. Sebastian nudged him to remind him that, but he got the wrong idea.

"Oh, Bassy! If you wanted to do it, you could've just taken me! I would be oh so happy to bear your children!" He moaned as Sebastian's black ears flattened, and sulked back to his master.

"I have to say, young master," Sebastian started at the grumpy earl, "you are a very cute kitten."

Ciel's fur bristled, and leaped away from the demonic cat, who gave him a curious glance. He hissed, and jumped onto the couch, in which he then curled up into a small, blue ball.

Alois looked over at a confused Sebastian, and then turned to his butler. "Do I make a cute kitten?"

"Yes, your highness," Claude replied in the flattest meow anyone has ever heard. Alois looked over at your tall figure, and padded over to it. He poked your leg, and you looked down at the fluffy cat. 

"Almost done, I just have to let it simmer for a little bit... what are you trying to do?" You asked, watching the kitten trying to do some parkour. It finally reached its destination- the counter.

"That's a hazard, Alois. Get off, I don't want you to get hurt," you said, trying to shoo him off, but he would't budge. Well, he wasn't that close to the stove, so you rolled your eyes.

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now