Ugly Truth

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"Shit shit shit!" You cursed, hopping up out of bed. Usually all the cats would lay on your bed until you woke up, even if they were awake (with the exception of Sebastian and Claude, who were preparing morning duties).

"Hey! Language miss!" Another voice called. Your mom, groggy eyed, stared at you with disdain. Your crazy expression on your face seemed to confuse her. 

"Mom. Grell and Ronald are missing. They weren't on my bed this morning," you explained quickly. Your mom's eyebrows furrowed.

"Well maybe they're hiding. Grell seems like the one to pull some sort of prank," your mother sighed, staring back into her room before looking back at you and the cats that have surrounded your legs. 

"No they wouldn't. Well, maybe Grell but I think he's experienced my mood when I wake up," you yawned, covering your mouth slightly. "But anyways, we have to do something."

"Well I'm tired. It's too early for me to wake up," your mom commented, looking back at her clock. You had to agree that it was early, but it was urgent to save your friends. 

Your mom sighed, walking to the stairs and descending to the first floor slowly. You heard the cabinet open and paper ripping. Your mother decided to make some instant coffee.

Heading back to your room, you started to brainstorm where they went. You sauntered over to your window and checking the lock casually. Your tired eyes widened as you noticed that it wasn't locked.

You opened it, looking down at the ground. There were no footprints, since crunchy leaves littered your backyard. The nearing-December weather tickled your nose, making you sneeze.

"If I had to guess, both Ronald and Grell were taken by Alanna. Your window was locked last night," Sebastian concluded with a smirk. You turned around with a small grin on your face.

"That's smart. As usual of course," you giggled, patting him on the shoulder. His tail swayed back and forth happily, enjoying your praise. After all, Ciel barely gave him any.

"What should we do then? Go to her house?" Alois asked, sitting back down on the bed next to Undertaker. The older man smiled slightly, making the blonde inch away slightly.

"I mean, I can see if I can do something about it. I may do that actually, and I have an idea on who to bring," you replied with a smile. "I'm leaving you here with my mom for now, but I'm going to bring someone with me."

"Who?" Alois piped up yet again. Your heart stopped for a moment as you shivered slightly.

"Someone that I hope I won't regret bringing."

After shooing them out and getting dressed, you explained the situation to your mother, who completely understood. The events last night really shook you and the other cats up since Alanna did have a love for cats.

You grabbed your bike and a spare key, shoving it into the pocket of your jeans before strapping on your helmet. A short ride later brought you to a two-story beige house.

"If I remembered correctly, Austin told me this is the one," you mumbled to yourself, taking a deep breath. You headed up the scattered-stone walkway and to the large door, which you knocked on.

The door opened, revealing your favorite turtle-neck loving friend. Austin's soft face held confusion for a moment.

"H-Hey (Y/n)! What are you... uh... doing here?" He asked quietly. You brushed your hair back and out of your face.

"Is Brian here? I have a favor to ask of him," you responded. He nodded and stepped back in for a moment. 

"Brian? (Y/n)'s and she's, well, asking if you can help her," he called. A small moment of silence was soon broken by Brian's footsteps echoing through the entryway. 

"You need something?" The brunette asked, placing an arm on top of Austin's head, making him jump slightly. You nodded as Austin backed away so he could share the door frame with his friend.

"Yeah. I think Alanna took two of my cats, so I was wondering if you would help me get them back?" You said, coming out as more of a question than a request. Brian raised a curious eyebrow, but ultimately sighed with a nod.

"Sure. Can Austin come? I don't want him trashing the house when I'm gone," he teased, ruffling his hair with a smirk. Austin adjusted his hair and glasses.

"I-I wouldn't trash y-your house! You would m-murder me!" He squeaked, making Brian chuckle. You watched the interaction, silently shipping the two in your mind. They were so made for each other. 

"Then it's settled. I brought my bike, but I guess we can walk from here. Don't you live close to her?" You asked. Brian nodded, walking out and in front of you. 

"Yup. Follow me."

Ronald looked outside of the black cage he was currently trapped in. How long would he have to wait until you came for him?

Grell was whining about something irrelevant to the situation while Ronald was trying to think of rational ways to escape his container. Surprisingly, Alanna treated the two with kindness and gave them a can of tuna, which Ronald didn't mind. 

Right now she was sitting next to the cage, checking her phone. Instead of a snobby look on her face, it was replaced with an expression of longing.

"Man, I wish I was as pretty as her. The makeup is so cool," she complimented, showing them the picture of the girl on Instagram. Grell stopped his sulking at looked at the screen, captivated by the blue-eyed girl. Ronald sighed, looking at the window that seemed so high up. 

Alanna smiled softly, shutting her phone off and drawing her knees up to her large chest. "Y'know, I wasn't such a bitch. I'm just following in my sister's footsteps."

Ronald perked up at this. Alanna didn't seem like the one to open up to anyone, especially animals. Her mouth opened again, but no words came out. 

"My sister wasn't a good person. I don't know what I saw inside her, but I followed her. And here I am, talking to stolen cats about my sad past or some bullshit like that. I guess I need to vent, huh?"

Grell and Ronald's rapt attention was not to be interrupted by any other thoughts. They were both genuinely curious on how a girl had gone sour. 

"Well, she's dead. I-" she bit her lip, "I kind of blame myself for it. Now that I look back at it, I could've stopped it all. I don't know why I'm like this, but I wanted to be like her. But see where that brought me? Nothing but a road of bad decisions that I can't stray from. If I mess up, then I'll completely fall. Maybe this is how my sister felt when-"

Fat tears slid down her face, ruining her makeup as she hugged her knees closer to her body. "I-I'm really l-lonely with-ith out her!"

Ronald and Grell stared at her with wonder. The high and mighty Alanna is sobbing and shaking, showing a side that they never knew about. It was the side of a broken, scared little girl. 

Grell extended a paw to touch her shoulder, but Ronald stopped him, shaking his head.

"We can't show any kind of human signs. She'll become suspicious," he meowed. Surprisingly, the red cat complied and retracted his furry paw. 

Brianna seemed to have calmed down, wiping her eyes. It was like she didn't care about the makeup that smeared around her face and she really didn't. Ronald knew that she wanted some sort of life other than the one she is on. But she already had the ball rolling, and she couldn't stop its momentum without getting crushed. 

A loud bang on the door made Alanna jump in surprise. She hastily wiped off the rest of the makeup that adorned her face, not caring anymore as she put a finger to her lips, signaling the two cats to stay quiet.

Grell looked worried. He felt bad for the girl, and he knew that she could be reformed. But going back to you was the best idea. That's what he wanted.

Alanna opened the door with an annoyed expression, but both Ronald and Grell knew that it was just another mask she had put on. 

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