Amusement Park Stalking

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"Aw mom! Really?!" You groaned. Alois giggled and held you close.

Saturday had come and your mom was currently taking a picture of you and Alois to commemorate this moment.

"Just one picture sweetie and then I'll drive you okay? Just hold still..." she mumbled. You sighed but put on a sweet smile as your mom snapped the picture on her Canon camera.

"Perfect! Thanks guys. Now let's go!" She cheered. You smiled at Alois who squeezed your hand with an exciting grin on his face.

"This will be so much fun (Y/n)!" He beamed. You nodded, his smile contagious. In all honesty, you were just as excited. This was the first time you were going out with just a guy!

Of course, Alois was just a friend to you. You shoved his affections to the dark corner of your mind and filled that room with "he's just a friend" thoughts. Who would have a crush on little ol' you?

You and Alois buckled in with the boy talking your ear off, his blonde tail swishing from side to side with gusto. You were happy to listen to what he was saying, since his stories were about him and Luka that you didn't hear in the series.

"...That's when we just snagged the bread! That moron had no idea what happened!" He laughed. "He died in the fire of course! He and his brother bullied Luka but he's no more!"

"Oh... that's, uh, great?" You replied with a confused smile, giving him thumbs-up. He grabbed your arm, blue eyes shining in the sun. 

"I will never let you die!" He said proudly. You ruffled his hair, making him pout and fix it. Your mom pulled up to the entrance and gave you forty dollars.

"Use this wisely and don't spend it on any food but lunch. Amusement park food is always very expensive," she commented with a cheeky grin and a wink. "Have fun kids. (Y/n), text me when you want me to pick you up any earlier than 10:45, alright?"

"Alright. Thanks mom." 

You leaned over to give your mother a kiss on the cheek before exiting the car with Alois in tow. He immediately took your hand and entered the park.

"Why do you want to spy on them young master?" Sebastian asked, looking through a pair of binoculars that he found in your closet. 

"I don't have to tell you," Ciel replied, adjusting his sunglasses. "I look ridiculous."

"I looked up disguises on the internet and this is what popped up. I would go with something better but the internet seems to have more knowledge than me."

Ciel scoffed. "They said something about not trusting this internet and I wholeheartedly agree with them."

"Because you hate to admit that I look better than you?" The butler replied with a knowing smirk. Ciel glared at him.

"Shut up. They're heading in. Is there a way we can get in without paying?"

Sebastian winked, picking the small boy up into a princess carry. "Leave that to me young master."

He leaped from the ginormous bush they were hiding in and to the trees up above. No one bothered to look up, either talking to the people that they were with or checking out the giant map, which was the case for you and Alois. 

You scanned the map, hand in hand with Alois who didn't want to let go. Your face fell.

"Man... we didn't bring bathing suits so we can't go to the water park," you sighed, a little disappointed. Alois raised an eyebrow.

"Water park?"

"It's usually where people of all ages go to a place that's like an amusement park. Most people are in their swimsuits and such." He nodded. Damn it... I should've gone to the water park with her! She's mad at me and I know it...

"Oh well. Let's have as much fun as we can!" You gushed, fist-pumping the air. Your friend's eyes lit up with the same delight and jumped in the air with a large smile.

"Let's have fun!" 

The two of you giggled as you sat down on a bench, explaining what some of the rides were before you mounted them together. Alois was overjoyed that you weren't mad at him. But how could he be so stupid to not ask to go to the water park as well?!

Meanwhile, Sebastian and Ciel were wondering if this would go well. The boy was like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to go off. The blue-haired boy leaned back against the tree he was resting on, the thick branch supporting his weight.

"Honestly, I don't know what they're really doing. This is nonsense," he muttered. Sebastian watched the two of you interact with a frown on his features. 

"I think they're just... 'hanging out' for the day. According to miss (Y/n), it means-"

"I know what it means!" He snapped, shooting his butler a glare. He shut up instantly, eyes transfixed to the sight before him.

"Are you-" his face broke into a sly smirk "-jealous of them?"

Ciel's face flushed red, looking away. "Not the slightest bit. And what about you? You seem interested in what they're doing."

He hesitated, knowing full well that his master might be right. No, jealousy couldn't be the feeling inside him. "No. I do not feel any jealously."

Ciel huffed, looking somewhere else. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a day at the amusement park. Lively chattered echoed from beneath them as clusters of people flooded the streets. It was the afternoon, the busiest time for parks like these.

He looked back at the two of you, only to find excitement and wonder on your faces. He bit the insides of his cheeks. I'm not jealous. 

Sebastian realized that he couldn't look away either. Not at your interactions with the blonde, but at your smiling face and bubbly personality you had at that moment. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them to see the two of you standing, you pointing at the horses on a large, circular platform.

He tapped his master on the shoulder lightly, making the poor boy jump. "They're leaving. Shall we follow?"

Ciel nodded. "That would be a good idea."

You arrived at the carousel with Alois behind you, running into the semi-long line of people. The man in the small gate started the carousel ride up. The horses started to bob up and down as they moved in a hypnotizing circle. Kids were laughing and the adults had happy expressions on their faces.

Looking over, you saw Alois stare at the ride in complete amazement. You raised an eyebrow.

"You should know what those are. You guys had them," you said, poking him on the arm. He stiffened for a moment but relaxed in the end.

"I do know what they are! It's just... I've never seen one in real life..." he mumbled with starry eyes. "My brother and I always wanted to go on one but- we never got the chance."

"Well your time is now. Your brother will be very happy that you're enjoying yourself. He is pretty selfless after all so I'm sure he wants you to have fun!" You beamed, taking his hand in yours. His were sweatier than normal and very warm.

The ride came to a halt and everyone exited the ride. The line shuffled up while you tugged Alois to a pair of horses. 

You both strapped in and you held the bar, simpering and facing Alois who mimicked your actions. 

"Are you ready? Let's have fun!" You beamed. He returned the smile.

"Yeah! This will be the happiest day of our lives! Forever and ever!"

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