Coffee Talk

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Ronald's eyes snapped open as he felt a paw poke his cheek. He was about to snap at Grell for waking him up, but he rubbed his eyes to see Undertaker smiling at him.

"What is it?" He asked. "It is the middle of the night."

"Hehe... remember?" He whispered, "we're going out at midnight sharp."

Ronald groaned, regretting his decision. Then again, it could lead them to the answer on why they're here, and if the could go back. However, one thought was preventing him for wanting to go completely.

What would you think about this?

"Right," Ronald sighed, standing up slowly and stretching. He padded over to Undertaker with a yawn, and looked up at the bed where you were sleeping. "Let's go."

The two both jumped down the stairs and hit the bottom, before walking to the door. A gray mist surrounded Undertaker, before dissipating to reveal a humanized version of the retired reaper, who opened the door.

"After you," he giggled. Ronald nodded, and walked out the door. Undertaker closed it softly before reverting back into his cat form. He strode over to Ronald. "Follow me, dearie."

He then took off at an incredible speed, and Ronald had to sprint after the eager cat, wondering how the old cat could reach such speeds.

"Take a left here!" Undertaker yelled from behind. Ronald nodded, and took a left with Undertaker.

About 45 minutes have passed, and Ronald was panting and sweating. Undertaker sat in front of the store that looked like his, without the Undertaker sign on the top. Instead, it read Flora's Floral Service.

"Why are we at a flower shop?" Ronald panted. Undertaker grin, and turned around. Unlike the dying Ronald, he looked fine and not at all like a dying human.

"Because it's where she resides," Undertaker replied mysteriously, before turning into a human. Looking down at Ronald, he lifted him up with his frozen hands.

"Jesus!" Ronald hissed trying to escape his ice grasp. "Have you been putting your hands in the box of ice?!"

"No," Undertaker muttered, his smile gone. With one hand, he parted his bangs to show his eyes. "Anyways, let's head inside."

Ronald hated to admit, but Undertaker was pretty good looking without those pesky bangs in his eyes and his robes of darkness draped on his body. He hoped that you would see more than just good looks.

"Flora? Remember that guest I was talking about?" Undertaker called out into the dark shop after opening the unlocked door. Footsteps emitted from upstairs, and a girl in her 20's ran down the stairs, before smiling at the two.

"Yes, I do! Welcome to my shop," she replied, and winked at him. "Nice to meet you. Anyways, how are you doing, Adrian?"

"Fine, thank you," he said as he dropped Ronald, who hissed and reverted to his human form.

"Please don't do that," Ronald said calmly, brushing himself off. The girl raised an eyebrow, before walking over to him, and touching his ears.

Long fingernails, he thought as she withdrew her porcelain hand from his head. She had a nasty smile on her face, and stepped back.

That coy smile... Ronald thought again, his ears flattening and eyes narrowing, like he was about to pounce.

"Why the angry face?" The lady cooed, the smile still on your face. "Is there something the matter?"

"You..." he hissed, stepping back and adjusting his glasses. "You're the one that made me come to this futuristic hell!"

"What proof do you have?" She retorted, backing away from him. He thought about what to say as Undertaker watched with a smile. It would be rude to say "oh, it's because of your fingernails. You should cut them. Actually, Grell would probably say that.

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