It's Time

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"So what you're saying is that you befriended your enemy," Ronald commented. You nodded as you walked back with the two by your side.

"I mean, if you want to say that then sure. But I guess we don't hold a grudge against her anymore."

"What grudge did you ever hold against her?" Grell chimed in, raising an eyebrow. 

"That's kinda personal. But we're probably not going to hang around each other."

"Honestly, I forgot she existed for awhile," Ronald admitted. You laughed a little as you made your way back home. "But to be fair, she seems like a nice girl."

"A nice, lonely girl with a seemingly cliche bully background." Ronald crossed his arms, but a smile graced his features. 

"She does have nice makeup. Maybe I can ask her for a tutorial. The makeup in the future is quite beautiful!" Grell complimented. "You should start wearing some."

"I'll pass," you chuckled, reaching the front door and unlocking it. Walking in, you were surprised to see who was on the couch with a mop-like cat on her lap. 

"Hello (Y/n)," Auna smiled, taking a sip from her coffee. "I've been up since three and I've had five cups of caffeinated coffee, waiting for you."

"Please get some sleep," you said, sitting down.


"Okay... what're you here to tell me?" You asked. She patted Undertaker on the head, who leaned into her touch.

"To tell you that the time has come. Ronald, Grell, William, Brian and Austin will help all the characters get back home. Undertaker and I will help the best we can."

You gulped, chills crawling up and down your spine. "Really? That's... great to hear."

"You're happy that we're leaving?" Ronald asked. You shook your head, taking his hand into yours. 

"Of course not. I'll miss you guys a lot."

Auna stood up, causing Undertaker to face plant onto the carpet with a small mewl in surprise. He straightened up, a gray aura surrounding his body and morphing him back to normal. 

"Honestly it's always weird to see you wearing pants and not an emo robe," you admitted. He shrugged before shoving his hands into his front pockets. 

"It's a change," he replied with a grin. "But I do miss my old clothes and hat." 

Auna cleared her throat, but started to cough afterwards. Grell patted her on the back, making sure she wasn't dying. 

"Any-" she hacked once more. "Anyways, I need you four to come with me. I did talk to Brian and Austin, and they reluctantly agreed."

"What, Brian was convincing Austin not to go and to stay with him?" You joked.

"That summarized the conversation we had. In the end, they're going. Not just for you, but to restore some balance in this universe."

"What's the matter with our universe?" Ronald asked. "Why haven't you talked to me about the impact on the world because of us?"

"It's... well, the universe won't blow up, but I'm trying to get you home before the Heavenly Organization starts to notice you. Matt knows, but is sworn to secrecy." 

"Oh. Well, why won't you bring him?" You asked. 

"Easy. He's not human. He's a modern-day reaper that's helping me right now. Once I'm done, he'll be returned to his post."

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