Uninvited Guest

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William was seething inside. He stared at you with a dead stare, but his flattened ears told a different story. His hidden feelings were now perceptible and were churning in his stomach.

"Oh... is that all you wanted to tell me?" He asked, trying not to grit his teeth together. His posture stiffened slightly, but you weren't able to notice. 

"Well, I don't know how to feel. A lot of things are on my mind and I just... I really just needed to vent to someone. Sorry I had to drag you upstairs," you replied sheepishly, twisting your fingers ever so slightly.

"It's quite alright. I feel quite bad for you, but I don't exactly empathize with you," he sighed, tail moving side to side hypnotically. You gave him a small smile, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. 

"Thanks dude. Uh... well I don't know how I want to feel about everything that's happening lately. I mean, I think it's been about a month? Maybe even less? I don't know, but I turned them down. It's actually turning to December soon, so I think y'all need to go home soon."

"Perhaps we do. However I..." William's voice trailed off, staring out your window at the dying trees. "I enjoyed my time here with you. It was quite a pleasant experience."

"Well I'm happy to make you content. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something," you piped up, "what do you work as?"

"Retailer," he muttered irately. Your face cracked into a grin, and you started to giggle.

"You?! Retailer?! I can't believe that!" You laughed, making William's face flush with embarrassment. 

"Well, Grell helps me. Ronald works at the flower shop and Undertaker doesn't work as you know, but I don't do a lot. I just bag things silently," he explained as your laughter ceased. 

"That's pleasant. But anyways, I've noticed that Ronald's been really distant lately. I think he's diving too deep into going home," William said worryingly, adjusting his glasses. You nodded relaxing your posture. 

"I've noticed that too and I completely agree. I've actually talked to the person that sent you to this universe and she apologizes profusely. It was an honest mistake on her part and she's doing her best to send you guys back home."

"Yes, but to be honest, I would like to stay with you. I find it very calming around you and I would prefer to reside here and keep my retail job," he admitted, his cold exterior cracking. A small smile painted his lips, causing you to stare at him.

Did the William T. Spears just crack a smile? Your jaw slackened as William kept talking. 

"It's a warm feeling inside of me. It feels nice. I haven't felt like this in awhile, not since the editor..." His face fell as you tried not to hyperventilate from the excitement.

"I think... if I'm not wrong, you're feeling love?" You squeaked out hesitantly, hoping not to step on a landmine. William's eyebrows furrowed, confused with what you just said. 

"Love? That feeling is foreign to me. But you might be right," he responded in a soft tone, his pale face slowly turning to a light pink. You smiled, placing your hand on his large one. 

"That's sweet. I'm thankful to have you in my life. Well, all of you. I'm glad to have gotten the chance to befriend you all," you giggled. 

Meanwhile, outside you door, Claude's hand shook slightly, poised to knock on your door. He stared at it with a dead look in his golden eyes before turning around with a small sigh. 

"Hey Claude, what're they talking about?" Alois whispered, sauntering over with a sway of his hips and a playful smile on his lips.

"Nothing, your highness," he replied blandly before walking away and back downstairs where Sebastian and him were cooking dinner.

Broken knives were scattered here and there, but the other demon seemed to have cleaned up the small turmoil that had happened in the kitchen quite efficiently and was now sitting on the windowsill, his cat eyes closed. 

Claude closed his eyes, feeling his body slowly morph and relax into his feline form and sat next to the butler.

"Fancy meeting you here, spider," Sebastian meowed teasingly.

"I prefer cat than spider, crow," he spat, sending him a small glare. "I overheard that reaper and miss (Y/n) talking in her room."

"Eavesdropping? That's quite low for your standards," the black one replied, tail swishing around in amusement. Claude felt his eye twitch. Why the hell am I telling him this?

"Shut up. I thought you would like to know," Claude replied calmly as he stared out your window. Your mom hadn't come back from work, but instead left a sticky note that she had to stay late. 

Instead, another car had pulled up in your driveway. The two demons went silent as a slender figure stepped out of the vehicle, almost slamming the door shut. They seemed to fix their long hair before walking up the door.

Your sensor light flickered on, revealing their face. Tanned face, bleach-blonde hair, and a revealing top. Perfect lipstick to give some pop to her lips and simple eye shadow topped with a hint of perfect mascara.

They pulled out their phone, standing in your driveway for a moment before walking up and knocking on your door loudly. 

Sebastian and Claude immediately jumped off the windowsill as soon as the light turned on, since they did not want to be seen by the crazy cat lady. They exchanged glances, for once not knowing what to do. 

Even though she was human, she still posed as a hazard and could potentially destroy your reputation, and they knew that couldn't happen. 

"Is anyone home? I can see your light on (Y/n)!" She shouted, banging on your door once more. 

The thundering of your footsteps echoed through the room as you ran up to your door. Sebastian, however, decided to intervene and transform before Claude's eyes. 

"This isn't a wise idea. It's Alanna," Sebastian stated while staring at your front door. William soon came out of nowhere, placing a firm hand on your shoulder.

"For once, I agree with this insufferable fool," he said calmly. You frowned, but took your hand off the doorknob. 

"Yeah, I have no reason to trust her."

With those words, you left the door alone, making Alanna huff and back away.

"Fine. If she wants to play it hard, then I guess I will too," she sneered, walking back to her car and driving away.

You woke up to the birds chirping on the lovely Saturday. You stretched with a yawn, once again surrounded by cats.

Smiling down at them, your eyes swept over their sleeping forms. Even Claude and Sebastian seemed to have been sleeping, but claiming it's just a "cat thing."

However, there was no bright red nor black-spotted one. Grell and Ronald were missing. 

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